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CAPITAN AMERICA corno 59 CIO' CHE SI CELA DIETRO L'HYDRA x-men angel femme force


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da sempre il sogno americano offre una gamma di possibilità sterminate ed inimmaginabili per riuscire ad affermarsi e sfondare nella vita, infatti negli Stati Uniti chi non ha voglia di faticare può scegliere tra tre alternative: fare il pornodivo, la rockstar, oppure il super-eroe. 

non particolarmente dotato per quel che riguardava le dimensioni dell’ attrezzo nè per le sue prestazioni endurance, e soprattutto essendo irrimediabilmente e scandalosamente stonato, Steve Rogers optò per la terza soluzione, e si dedicò all’ attività di buffone mascherato, indossando un bel costume tutto a stelle e strisce proprio come la bandiera della Bolivia

non essendo mai stato un modello di continuità e assiduità , cominciò però ben presto a prendersi delle lunghe pause di riposo e a rimanere spesso e volentieri a casa in mutua adducendo le patologie più disparate e insolite grazie a certificati medici compiacenti,  mentre in realtà non aveva nulla e stava benissimo, negli anni del dopoguerra marcò visita addirittura per circa 15 anni consecutivi, finchè Stan Lee non lo trovò indecorosamente ubriaco in un bar del bronx nell’ orario della visita fiscale, e lo precettò costringendolo a tornare al lavoro. ma il lupo, si sa, perde il pelo ma non il vizio, e così anche ultimamente ha tirato indietro le sue chiappettine incartapecorite facendo finta di essere morto, gli hanno anche fatto il funerale, ma tanto non ci crede nessuno, si tratta invece certamente di una raffinata strategia di tanatosi mimetica, cui ricorrono anche molti animali come l’ opossum, il cinghiale, l’ insetto foglia o il serpente muso di porcello, insomma è tutta una vile e diabolica scusa per non fare un bel nulla 

nelle edicole italiane il n.1 di CAP uscì il 23 Aprile 1973, ovvero alla immediata vigilia della famigerata austerity, e già questa piccola ma non trascurabile coincidenza avrebbe dovuto far toccare le palle a qualcuno all’ interno della Corno. infatti anche qui da noi svernò parecchi anni da vero e proprio mangiapane a tradimento, stipendiato senza fare un cacchio, finchè non ha provveduto la Madia a sistemarlo con uno dei suoi provvidenziali ed inesorabili decreti anti-fannulloni


Nell’ episodio principale di CAP si scoprono finalmente gli altarini dell’ Hydra, del resto ormai più che noti a tutti, infatti anche il più cretino dei lettori aveva già intuito che i mangiafuoco a muovere dall’ alto i fili della malefica organizzazione criminale erano il ciccione Kingpin ed il suo odioso figlioccio Schemer, ma al di sopra di loro vi è ancora una volta uno dei soliti colletti bianchi ignoti ed innominabili che tutti sappiamo benissimo chi sono ma di cui nessuno osa fare mai il nome, e stavolta non si tratta di Andreotti, Gelli, Dell’Utri, Moggi, ma bensì del…..(l’ultimo che indovina è veramente scemo)

contiene inoltre : X-MEN  con un episodio regolare + una storia breve del ciclo di backup con le origini uno per uno dei mutanti (in questa comincia la narrazione della triste vicenda del quarto sventurato anormale abbindolato ed incastrato dal Professor X, ovvero il leggiadro e sprovveduto rampollo aristocratico Warren Worthington III in arte ANGEL / ANGELO)



Captain America Vol 1 147

And Behold the Hordes of HYDRA” / CIO’ CHE SI CELA DIETRO L’ HYDRA …

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




The Supreme Hydra unmasked! A mystery super-villain revealed! 

The Kingpin has been secretly
controlling the group and then it turns out unbeknownst to him, his son
Richard Fisk was Supreme Hydra…

…and then it turns out that the Red Skull was controlling things at an even higher level.

X-Men Vol 1 55

The Living Pharaoh!” / IL FARAONE VIVENTE !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Unnamed NY policemen




  • X-Men Jet-car


While escaping the police and wanted for murder, Cyclops has run
into the Living Pharaoh, the man he has been accused of murdering. The
Pharaoh claims that he is immortal and attempts to destroy Cyclops by
channeling his powers through an Ankh weapon. As the two mutants battle,
the other X-Men are scouring the city, trying to find Cyclops before
the police do. Marvel Girl picks up Scott’s location with her mental
powers and the X-Men speed toward their leader in their jet-car.
However, the battle between Cyclops and the Living Pharaoh ends with the
Pharaoh easily defeating Cyclops and knocking the mutant hero

Carried away by the Pharaoh’s men, Cyclops has a special skin
tight hood put over his head and is placed in a trunk and smuggled
aboard a plane to Egypt through New York’s JFK airport. In flight,
Cyclops is allowed out of the trunk and is told that he is being taken
to Egypt and left alone in the cargo hold. Hearing a faint knocking
sound, Cyclops realizes his brother Alex is trapped within an ancient
Egyptian sarcophagus and is being smuggled out of the country as well.
Detecting Scott’s thoughts on the airplane, the X-Men chase after the
plane but are shot out of the sky by the Living Pharaoh. The X-Men
barley avoids a crash landing in the ocean by Angel’s quick thinking.
Stuck afloat in the water, the X-Men watch as the plane flies away, Jean
vowing to find out where Scott’s abductors are going.

Arriving in Egypt, the Pharaoh takes Cyclops and Alex to his
pyramid headquarters where he leaves the two to drown in a room that is
slowly filling with water. Cyclops manages to use his visor to smash
open the sarcophagus, freeing Alex. Alex in turn helps remove the hood
from Cyclops’ face allowing him to use his optic blasts to free them.
Attacking the Pharaoh and his men, the two brothers are soon aided by
the arriving X-Men who help turn the battle in the hero’s favor. In the
battle, the Pharaoh gains the high ground and attempts to use his ankh
against the X-Men when suddenly Alex fires energy bolts from his hands
that shatters the Pharaoh’s weapon, sending him toppling off the top of
the pyramid. Saved from a nasty fall by the Angel, the defeated Pharaoh
orders his minions to flee the scene until he summons for them again.

Allowing the Pharaoh’s men to escape, the X-Men are shocked to realize that Scott’s brother Alex is also a mutant. 

X-Men Vol 1 54

The Million Dollar Angel” / le origini degli incredibili X-Men : UN ANGELO DA UN MILIONE DI DOLLARI !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed headmaster & students



Telling the origin of the X-Men’s Angel…

Our story begins some years ago when a young Warren Worthington
III exasperates his parents Kathryn and Warren Jr. by climbing up in a
tree to get a closer look at some eggs in a nest. When Warren is scared
out of the tree by the owner of the nest, Warren just barely manages to
avoid a nasty fall by landing in the Worthington swimming pool.
Sequestered to his room to recover, Warren’s parents lament over their
young son’s fascinations with heights of late, the tree being only the
most recent of many attempts to climb up on things.

As a teenager, Warren is enlisted in a private boy’s school where
he becomes a star athlete, one day while in the change room the other
boys make jokes at Warren’s expense when they notice his abnormally
large shoulder blades. One night Warren wakes up in the middle of the
night to find a large feather in his bed. Going to the bathroom to look
at his back, Warren finds that a pair of bird-like wings are starting to
grow out. Getting bigger each day, Warren at first is impressed by his
new wings, but he then realizes that they will mark him as a freak and
wonders what he will do. Detecting smoke, Warren realizes that a fire
has started and leaves his room to investigate. Trapped on his floor by
flames, Warren takes a risk and jumps out of a window to realize his
wings actually allow him to fly.

Hearing cries for help, Warren decides to do something to save
his fellow students. Rushing to the Drama room, he finds a night shirt
and a wig to conceal his identity. Looking like a Biblical angel, Warren
rescues the boys by using a rope to pull them out of the building to
safety. When all of the boys are safe, Warren sneaks away and offs his
disguise (concealing his wings in the process) and meets up with his
classmate’s their tales of how a guardian angel saved their lives. 


The New Tenants” / I NUOVI INQUILINI


A man works for a miser who cheats people on real estate deals until
he gets so fed up with his boss selling run down dumps to kindly old
folks that he kills him and shores up the floor support in the cellar
with the man’s body.

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