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CAPITAN AMERICA corno N.35 ORA CADE IL TESCHIO ROSSO x-men falcon redwing


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nella storia principale dell’ albo, il nostro gagliardo CAP , grazie all’ aiuto dei suoi due alleati ed amici volatili inseparabili, riesce finalmente a sderenare e a buttare giù dal seggiolone l’ antipatico e detestabile cranio paonazzo

contiene : X-MEN



Captain America Vol 1 119.jpg

Now Falls the Skull!” / ORA CADE IL TESCHIO ROSSO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Having become fed up of attempting to kill Captain America by
proxy using the Cosmic Cube to manipulate others to do his bidding, the
Red Skull changes back to his normal form and teleports himself to
Berchtesgaden, a castle he owns in Germany. Deciding to combat Captain
America up front, he transports Cap, Falcon and his bird Redwing from
Exile Island to face him. When Captain America realizes what’s going on,
he tells the Red Skull to leave Falcon out of it, however the Skull
wants revenge against him as well for his battle against the Exiles on
Exile Island. When Redwing attempts to attack the Red Skull, he uses the
Cosmic Cube to capture the bird in a cage.

When Falcon attempts to attack the Red Skull, the Skull uses the
Cube to strike him down. Then, deciding that it is time to kill his
hated foe, the Skull uses the Cube to change Captain America back to his
normal form. When the Falcon sees the transformation he is shocked to
learn that the man who trained him how to fight and help him become a
hero is none other than Captain America himself. Captain America and the
Falcon attempt to attack the Red Skull, however he uses the Cosmic Cube
to deflect their attacks and then flood the room with water. In the
deluge, Falcon suddenly dives under water while Cap struggles to stay

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of Advanced Idea Mechanics, MODOK
is informed that the device to recapture the Cosmic Cube has been
completed. MODOK muses over how he managed to cheat death after his last
encounter with Captain America ( seen in Tales of Suspense #94 , in Italy in CAPC # 13 ) .
How he survived the explosion of the AIM submarine by creating a mental
force-field around him to protect himself from the blast, then using
telepathy to call AIM scientists that were still loyal to him to recover
him from the ocean.

Back at Berchtesgaden, the Red Skull transports himself, Captain
America and Falcon to a desert to continue their fight. As the two
heroes continue to try and fight off the Red Skull, he continues to use
the Cosmic Cube to his advantage. However, when the Red Skull tried to
drown them, the Falcon used the rushing waters as a distraction to free
Redwing from his cage, and the bird attacks the Skull long enough for
Captain America to knock the Cosmic Cube from his hands. As the Red
Skull struggles to recapture the Cube, AIM activates their Cathode
device to destroy the Cube. Even as the Cube begins to melt, the Skull
attempts to use it one last time. Instead of destroying his hated
enemies, the Red Skull seemingly disintegrates himself. With the threat
of the Red Skull ended, Captain America and Falcon consider their
victory was helped by fate, unaware of AIM’s involvement and walk off
into the sunset.


  • The Red Skull restores himself to his own body in this issue.
X-Men Vol 1 33.jpg

Into the Crimson Cosmos!” / NEL COSMO SCARLATTO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • Metro Aircraft Plant




Having just defeated the X-Men, the Juggernaut crashes through
the countryside on his way to find an aircraft to fly to Europe so he
might join the Factor Three conspiracy that has been working against the
X-Men for the purposes of world domination. The military attempts to
stop him, but are easily fought off and sent packing.

While back at the Mansion, the X-Men begin trying to figure out a
way to deal with the Professor, who has been in a coma since the
Juggernaut’s attack. Jean digs up the Professor’s Mental-Wave Amplifier
in the hopes of using it to learn a key secret in defeating the
Juggernaut and possibly reviving the Professor as well. In the
Professor’s memories, Jean learns that the Professor had learned the
secrets of the Crimson gem of Cyttorak: Centuries ago the Ancient One
came across the Crimson gem of Cyttorak, and was attacked by it’s
protector Xorak the outcast. After a brief mystical duel, the Ancient
One would cast a spell trapping Xorak in the gem to never threaten a
mortal again. Jean stops her probe for fear of harming the Professor,
and they turn their attentions to Cerebro. The group decides that the
key to defeating the Juggernaut lies within a prototype gem that is
within the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak and that they must seek out the
Ancient One to learn how to get it.

Repairing the machine the X-Men try and use their computer to locate
the Ancient One to see if he can help them defeat the Juggernaut.
However, instead of finding the Ancient One, they are visited by the
spectral form of his successor: Dr. Stephen Strange, the Master of the
Mystic Arts. He tells them that he is on an important mission however
stops long enough to impart the X-Men with a means to enter the gem,
however cautions that only two of their members can venture within, and
that they must return from within the gem within an hour otherwise be
trapped in the Crimson Cosmos forever. Cyclops volunteers himself and
Marvel Girl insists that she travel with him. Cyclops accepts and orders
the rest of the X-Men to keep the Juggernaut busy while they venture
into the Gem. With the decisions made, Dr. Strange imparts the
incantation into Cyclops and Jean’s mind and teleports them to Korea to
search for the Gem in the ruins of Cyttorak’s temple.

The two X-Men materialize before some Communist soldiers, and
easily fight them off with their mutant powers before unearthing the
cavern where the gem has been buried for years. Speaking the
incantation, Cyclops and Marvel Girl are pulled into the gem and find
themselves into the strange Crimson Cosmos, where they are greeted by
Xorak, who tells them that in this realm he is known only as the

Back on Earth, the other X-Men fly the X-Copter to the nearby
airport where the Juggernaut has gone to steal an airplane that can fly
him to Europe so that he can rendezvous with the masterminds behind
Factor Three. The Juggernaut sends the security guards fleeing. However,
while he is busy, Iceman, Angel and Beast attempt to keep him at bay
with the powerful wind generated by the X-Copters rotor blades. This
proves only a minor delay for the Juggernaut who manages to smash his
way through the vehicle.

Meanwhile, in the Crimson Cosmos, the Outcast attempts to wrap up
Scott and Jean in the Scarlet Circles of Doom, however Jean manages to
fend them off with her telekinetic powers. Redirecting them back at
their attacker he is seemingly destroyed by them upon impact. Traveling
further through the Cosmos, they find out that this is a false
assessment when they are caught up in mystical coils and pulled toward a
gigantic facial image of Outcast, however Cyclops’ optic blasts easily
shatter this apparition. With Outcast the only thing between them and
the prototype gem, and their time dwindling fast, the two X-Men manage
to defeat the creature not with their mutant powers, but by the ticking
of Jean’s watch which has been keeping track of the time they have spent
in the Crimson Cosmos. Throwing the watch at Outcast causes the
creature to suddenly crumble into dust. The two X-Men then procure the
prototype gem that they have been seeking and are instantly transported
by the Professor’s bedside. The two rush after their comrades in the
X-Plane, unaware that they have left Professor X alone to be captured by
two intruders that have been lurking in the shadows.

While at the airport, the other X-Men have lured the enraged
Juggernaut into a wind tunnel, but this too also keeps their foe at bay
for only a short while. The X-Men are then forced to maintain a frontal
attack against the Juggernaut however none of their attacks have any
effect on him. Just before the Juggernaut can start attacking the X-Men,
Scott and Jean arrive with the prototype gem and present it to the
Juggernaut. Juggernaut, thinking that this new gem can increase his
powers grabs it, however to his surprise, instead of granting him
increased power the gem instead transports him away to the Crimson

With the threat of the Juggernaut over with, the X-Men return to the mansion to find that the Professor has been kidnapped.


  • Juggernaut’s connection to the Crimson Cosmos hasn’t been brought up since X-Men #46 (in Italy in CAPC # 47) and has presumably been retconned since the X-Men titles have generally
    moved away from mystical explanations in favor of pseudo-scientific
  • Last issue the Juggernaut had somehow stolen the Professor’s
    mental powers. This plot threat is dropped in this issue as Juggernaut
    doesn’t mention or use said powers. It can be assumed that Juggernaut
    never used them and when he was shunted off to the Crimson Dimension the
    powers were reverted back to Professor X.


  • The cover to this issue was altered. The Comics Code Authority
    had ruled that the sight of Xorak on the cover was too scary and had to
    be changed. The Juggernaut’s picture was penciled in over Xorak’s on the
    cover. The original artwork is shown in Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men 2nd Edition HC #4 and Essential Classic X-Men Vol. 2.
Strange Tales Vol 1 111.jpg

Beware–the Machine!!! (GUARDATEVI… DALLA MACCHINA !)

story /



Stan Lee (plot); Larry Lieber (script)
Larry Lieber
Matt Fox
Job Number:

Content Information

science fiction
X-200; Jocko
super-intelligent computer is built by American scientists, and
attempts to conquer the world. It defends itself against humans, but an
organ-grinder’s monkey goes un-noticed and unplugs the machine.

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Titolo Serie


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