Chissà se è vero che a volte ritornano, come sostengono Stephen King e Tiziano Sclavi, a quanto pare nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi però si tratta solo di seccatori, rompiscatole, impiccioni,scrocconi e ciarlatani; i defunti invece, a parte qualche rarissima eccezione biblico-evangelica, è assai difficile che si ripresentino alla nostra porta, e infatti non capita nemmeno stavolta perchè il mortaccio Bucky che si rifà vivo dopo 25 anni passati sottoterra al cimitero non è quello autentico ma soltanto una miserabile, fraudolenta ed indebita replica artificiale
contiene : X-MEN con un episodio regolare (in cui tanto per cambiare il Professor X è dato per morto o disperso ma tanto sanno tutti che prima o poi lo riavranno tra i piedi, l’ unica cosa che certamente non tornerà mai più sono i suoi capelli, sempre ammesso che li abbia mai avuti o invece non sia nato già così calvo come una palla da bowling) + la nona storia breve del ciclo di backup con le origini uno per uno dei mutanti (in questo numero anche il secondo povero sprovveduto – Bobby Drake detto ICEMAN / L’ UOMO-GHIACCIO – è finalmente abile e arruolato)
“Bucky Reborn!” / LA RINASCITA DI BUCKY !
Featured Characters:
- Bucky Barnes (android)
- Baron Strucker
Other Characters:
- Red Skull (Only in flashback)
- Trapster (Only in flashback)
- Exiles (Only in flashback)
- Cadavus (Only in flashback)
- General Ching (Only in flashback)
- Baldini (Only in flashback)
- Krushki (Only in flashback)
- United States of America
- California
- San Francisco
- Ocean Bluff Point
- California
- Captain America’s Shield
- Captain America’s Uniform
- Paste-Gun (Only in flashback)
The Hood decides that the best way to defeat Captain America is to
use Bucky against him. He visits gyms until he finds an athlete that can
pass for Bucky. He gets lucky and finds one that is a dead ringer for
Bucky, and has amnesia, so might actually be Bucky. When Cap busts in on
him brainwashing the athlete, the Hood reveals himself to be Baron
Strucker and manages to overpower Cap using “Bucky” as a distraction.
Before Strucker can kill Cap, “Bucky” snaps out of his trance,
overpowers Strucker, and frees Cap.
“The End of the X-Men!” / LA FINE DEGLI X-MEN !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Professor X (Only in flashback)
- Agent Duncan
Other Characters:
The X-Men have returned to the grave of the late Professor Xavier to
pay their respects, each member lost in thought over what the Professor
meant to them and what the future of the X-Men will be. Their vigil is
interrupted by FBI agent Duncan, who has come to speak with the X-Men.
Returning to the Professor’s mansion, Nelson & Murdock co-partner
Foggy Nelson is on site to read Xavier’s will. To everyone’s surprise,
all of the Professor’s assets have been willed over to Scott for the
operation of a special charitable fund, also naming the other students
as trustees, leaving behind all his possessions to them. After the will
reading is completed, Foggy leaves to put the will through probate,
allowing for the X-Men to return their attention to Agent Duncan who
wishes to discuss an important matter with them.
While in the distant Crimson Cosmos, the Juggernaut is pulled out
of the other dimensional realm he has been trapped in since his last
encounter with the X-Men by one of the Professor’s machines.
Re-materializing in the lower levels of the mansion, the Juggernaut
begins to trash the place. Hearing the ruckus, Scott excuses everyone
from Agent Duncan and they change into their X-Men uniforms and go
investigate. Finding the Juggernaut causing the commotion, the X-Men
confront him and learn that the Juggernaut once more wants to get
revenge against his step-brother Charles Xavier. The X-Men explain to
the Juggernaut that Xavier is dead, to which the Juggernaut rages in
disbelief, believing that it’s a trick to fool him and he attacks the
The Juggernaut manages to shrug off the X-Men’s attack and
continues his rampage through the mansion. Finding Agent Duncan, he
demands to know where Xavier is. When Duncan also states that the
Professor is dead, the Juggernaut knocks him out and continues his
fruitless search. The X-Men revive and follow after him and find the
Juggernaut at the Professor’s grave raging that he has been cheated out
of his revenge.
The X-Men continue their fight with the Juggernaut, this time
with Jean using her newly acquired mental powers against the Juggernaut
causing him pain. The Juggernaut grabs the downed Angel to use as a
hostage to make Marvel Girl cease her attack. When she does, the
Juggernaut is surprisingly shunted back to the Crimson Cosmos. Cyclops
deduces that while the machine that was responsible for bringing the
Juggernaut back to Earth worked, its effects were only temporary.
Surmising that the Professor wanted to be certain of the Juggernaut’s
rehabilitation, he must have put in a fail-safe just in case the
Juggernaut had not reformed.
With the battle over, the X-Men are once more confronted by Agent
Duncan who tells the group that the government, realizing that the
X-Men would prove to be too easy a target to evil mutants has demanded
that the X-Men split up and spread out across the country immediately.
Returning to Xavier’s Mansion to ponder this, Cyclops, as deputy
leader, decides that despite the unconstitutional nature of the FBI’s
request, that it is in their best interest to follow the request. With a
heavy heart, he orders the X-Men to disband and follow the government’s
orders. Shortly thereafter, the X-Men pack up their things and part
company, leaving Scott at the mansion. Each of the X-Men is left
wondering where their future will take them.
“…And Then There Were Two” / le origini degli incredibili X-Men :…E DIVENTARONO DUE
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- A New York Mob
- Clem
- Joe
- Jake
- and other unnamed members
- Unnamed Nassau County sheriff
- Professor X’s Rolls-Royce
A lynch mob has taken the young Bobby Drake and Cyclops hostage
following Cyke’s failed attempt to spring Bobby out of jail after he
used his mutant powers to defend himself from a school bully. However,
before the lynching can begin, the sheriff attempts to assert some sort
of control, not standing to have frontier justice be played out in his
town. Branded a mutie lover by the mob, the sheriff is dragged away
while Cyclops and Bobby are taken to a hanging tree.
Rushing to the scene, Professor Xavier uses his mental powers to
contact Scott and order him to free Bobby and make an escape. Using his
optic blast to snap the noose around Bobby’s neck, Cyclops and Bobby
fight off the mob and flee. Although the mob follows after them they
suddenly stop when the Professor uses his mental powers to erase their
memories of the whole episode.
Returning to Bobby’s home, the Professor explains what has
happened and in a meeting with Bobby and his parents, he offers Bobby a
place in his School for Gifted Youngsters so that he might learn to
control his powers and also fight for human/mutant coexistence, an offer
which Bobby accepts. This is how Bobby Drake joins the X-Men as the
“Terror In The North” / TERRORE AL NORD !
Villagers claim the body that has been found is the victim of a
werewolf, but an American hunter scoffs, and goes out into the storm in
order to kill the timber wolf and bring it back. He sets up a tent to
wait out the storm and his nerves begin to get to him. He thinks that
the nearby howling he hears sounds almost…human. During his sleep, he
feels an impending presence and is aware of a sharp pain in his arm.
When he wakes he is terrified to learn that he has been bitten, as those
who were bitten by a werewolf transform into one. He looks into the
mirror at the bottom of the tent and sees a wolf’s face glaring back at
him. Giving in to despair, he uses the shotgun against himself rather
than transform into the ravening beast. Outside the tent, the ordinary
wolf that had been staring into the tent, turns and stalks away into the