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CAPITAN AMERICA corno N.64 TERRORE NELLA NOTTE x-men agents of shield 1975


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da sempre il sogno americano offre una gamma di possibilità sterminate ed inimmaginabili per riuscire ad affermarsi e sfondare nella vita, infatti negli Stati Uniti chi non ha voglia di faticare può scegliere tra tre alternative: fare il pornodivo, la rockstar, oppure il super-eroe. 

non particolarmente dotato per quel che riguardava le dimensioni dell’ attrezzo nè per le sue prestazioni endurance, e soprattutto essendo irrimediabilmente e scandalosamente stonato, Steve Rogers optò per la terza soluzione, e si dedicò all’ attività di buffone mascherato, indossando un bel costume tutto a stelle e strisce proprio come la bandiera della Bolivia

non essendo mai stato un modello di continuità e assiduità , cominciò però ben presto a prendersi delle lunghe pause di riposo e a rimanere spesso e volentieri a casa in mutua adducendo le patologie più disparate e insolite grazie a certificati medici compiacenti,  mentre in realtà non aveva nulla e stava benissimo, negli anni del dopoguerra marcò visita addirittura per circa 15 anni consecutivi, finchè Stan Lee non lo trovò indecorosamente ubriaco in un bar del bronx nell’ orario della visita fiscale, e lo precettò costringendolo a tornare al lavoro. ma il lupo, si sa, perde il pelo ma non il vizio, e così anche ultimamente ha tirato indietro le sue chiappettine incartapecorite facendo finta di essere morto, gli hanno anche fatto il funerale, ma tanto non ci crede nessuno, si tratta invece certamente di una raffinata strategia di tanatosi mimetica, cui ricorrono anche molti animali come l’ opossum, il cinghiale, l’ insetto foglia o il serpente muso di porcello, insomma è tutta una vile e diabolica scusa per non fare un bel nulla 

nelle edicole italiane il n.1 di CAP uscì il 23 Aprile 1973, ovvero alla immediata vigilia della famigerata austerity, e già questa piccola ma non trascurabile coincidenza avrebbe dovuto far toccare le palle a qualcuno all’ interno della Corno. infatti anche qui da noi svernò parecchi anni da vero e proprio mangiapane a tradimento, stipendiato senza fare un cacchio, finchè non ha provveduto la Madia a sistemarlo con uno dei suoi provvidenziali ed inesorabili decreti anti-fannulloni


Quando ci vuole ci vuole, e quindi nell’ episodio principale di questo numero un CAP meno pacato e tollerante del solito si toglie la bella 
soddisfazione di spaccare finalmente la faccia a quello spregevole farabutto di Mister Hyde

contiene inoltre : X-MEN



condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto


Terror in the Night!” / TERRORE NELLA NOTTE !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Sharon Carter is being held hostage by The Scorpion and Mister Hyde until Captain America and the Falcon defeat them. 

There’s tension between Cap and Nick due to a love triangle (or square, i guess) involving Cap, Valentina Fontaine, Nick Fury, and Laura Brown (who doesn’t appear in this story).

The Contessa somehow got jealous of Nick’s feelings for Laura, so she made a pass at Cap. She explains that to Nick during this arc, but he’s not hearing it.

Which is fair enough, because Val really is in love with Cap.  

Carter and the Falcon both sit on the sidelines during the rematch fight with the Scorpion and Hyde, as well.

Hyde tries to crush Cap’s shield and fails.

The fact that Cap’s shield is indestructible seems to be new information, at least for the Falcon and Sharon.

And here’s the knockout punch.

Mr. Hyde started off as a Thor villain ! He should be a real challenge for Captain America. But he’s been used more recently as a Daredevil villain, and the fact that he’s been in the rogues galleries for two heroes of such different power levels is pretty odd. But since his powers are derived from a potion, it’s easy enough to explain variations in his strength based on the dosage level or how long it’s been since his last drink.


  • The Harlem Crime boss Morgan debuts in this issue. He and his Harlem crime organization and their ongoing battles with the Falcon will be an on-going subplot through Captain America 179 (in Italy in CAPC #91).
  • Morgan has taken over the crime territory of Stone-Face, who Captain America, the Falcon, and Spider-Man had defeated in Captain America 138 (in Italy in CAPC #52).

In the Shadow of…Sauron!” / ALL’ OMBRA DI… SAURON !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Dr. Karl Lykos’ facility
  • Tierra del Fuego – (Only in flashback)



  • Warren Worthington’s Maverick


Following their battle with the Sentinels, the X-Men leave Larry Trask and Judge Chalmers to free the other captured mutants, Chalmers noticing that Larry has lapsed into a state of shock puts the power blocking medallion back on Larry in the hopes of restoring him to normal and making him forget everything that has transpired. As the X-Men return home to get Alex medical treatment, Lorna decides that her place is to be with the X-Men in light of recent events and she is accepted into the group.

Upon returning to New York City, Scott and Jean turn Alex over to Dr. Kyle Lykos a doctor who uses hypnosis to help deal with patients mentally and physically. Needing to work in private, Scott and Jean leave Lykos to do his work and return to the X-Mansion. There they are almost blasted with lasers when the safety door to the Danger Room swings open. Inside, Lorna is watching Beast, Warren and Iceman go through a training session. When the session gets out of hand, Cyclops steps in and things end with Iceman once more tossing snow in someones face. With the session over, the X-Men comment on the mutants that were captured during their battle against the Sentinels and Hank points out the absence of both Magneto and the Changeling.

While at the office of Dr. Lykos, after treating Alex’s physical wounds, Karl sends his nurse home and struggles with some strange addition that has come over him. He recalls back to when he was a young boy and was on an expedition with his father, his associate Mr. Anderssen and his young daughter Tanya in the antarctic regions of Tierra Del Fuego. When Tanya goes missing a searching party is sent out and young Karl finds her in a cave being attacked by strange pterodactyls that live within the icy cavern. Although Karl saves Tanya from the creatures one of them manages to wound him. Given medical attention right away the young Karl was near death an in a fever state for a long time before recovering. When he did, he was greeted by his dog Jagger. To his horror upon touching the dog, Karl began siphoning the dogs energy, and realized that he has become some kind of energy vampire. Growing up over the years Karl would keep this need a secret, and as a young adult he and Tanya would fall in love and begin talking of marriage. However, Mr. Anderssen would not consent their marriage unless Karl learned a profession that would allow him to provide for Tanya and so he went on to medical school. Determined to make a fortune, the obsessed Lykos vows to do anything to marry Tanya anything.

Hooking Alex up to the machine, Lykos — aware Xavier had opened a school for mutants prior to his death and correctly deduces Alex to be a mutant — Lykos had helped in the early days in hope of feeding off mutants life energy. Trying this for the first time, Lykos feeds off Alex’s mutant energy and it has a strange effect: Lykos transforms into a humanoid pterodactyl that is the embodiment of evil. Recalling his human persona’s love of the writings of J.R.R. Tolken, the creature christens itself Sauron and flies off into the night.

When reports of a winged being that is suspected to be a mutant is reported to be causing robberies, the X-Men contemplate investigating the situation. Furious that a winged being is giving him a bad name, Warren storms out of the room and returns later wearing his old Avenging Angel costume and decides to go and investigate the situation on his own fly off before anyone can stop him. With Warren potentially flying into even more trouble, Cyclops orders the other X-Men to get ready to follow after him. Warren manages to track down Sauron, however he tries to attack the creature, Sauron unleashes a hypnotic gaze that enthralls Warren into obedience.


  • Sauron is named after the villain from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. In a flashback, Karl Lykos is shown reading the book as a young man.
  • The pterosaurs seen in this story, although called pteranodons in the story, are not truly Pteranodons and are possibly some unrevealed dinosaurs.



A debunker for a radio program enters a house that is supposed to be haunted but he tells his audience that there is nothing there. 

When he leaves the mansion, his sound crew run away in fear because he has unknowingly been reduced to a walking skeleton.


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