eterogenea, instabile, variegata, assortita, poliedrica e mista, a
carattere di vero e proprio cronicario di super-eroi di scarto, tutti
iscritti alle liste di collocamento e con domanda di prepensionamento
già compilata ed inoltrata, e che altrimenti non avrebbero trovato
collocazione neanche nelle liste del partito democratico
serie CONAN N. 5
“The Garden of Fear” / IL GIARDINO DELLA PAURA
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Conan and Jenna, while riding through a mountain range, are attacked
by savages. They manage to grab Jenna and Conan violently responds. The
battle is halted by the appearance of the savages’ chief, who Conan
decides to trust to the point of even joining the savages in their
frenzied dances. The next morning Conan and Jenna prepare to leave, but
the girl is snatched by a winged creature and taken beyond the cliffs;
Conan gives chase. The valleys Conan enters contains all number of
exotic animals and greenery, finally reaching a lighthouse-like tower in
the second valley. An ebony, winged man steps out and tosses man into
the odd looking flowers below. The flowers promptly kill and suck the
blood out of the man, much to Conan’s horror. The creature, noting
Conan, goes inside but returns a moment later and dangles Jenna above
the man-eating plants. With no way to reach the tower, Conan returns to
the animals in the first valley, and lights a fire to herd a group of
elephants towards the tower. The beasts trample the field of flowers and
Conan climbs the tower walls. He fights the creature to the death, and,
uninterested in the mysteries of the tower and its owner, Conan leads
Jenna out of the Valley.
- Comics adaptation based on The Garden of Fear short story by Robert E. Howard.
“Beware the Wrath of Anu!” / ATTENTO ALL’ IRA DI ANU !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Anu
Other Characters:
- Burgan (thief) (Death)
- Igon
- Captain Aron
- Nabonidus
- Temple of Anu
Conan and Jenna reach a Corinthian city-state, but run into some
trouble trying to enter. The guards are distracted by a patrol chasing a
pair of thieves, and when Conan gets in the way of their arrows, they
turn their wrath on him. He is saved in turn by the thieves, as they
help him escape onto the roofs, unfortunately leaving Jenna behind,
though they first tell her to meet them at the Temple of Amu. It turns
out one of the thieves is Burgan, whom Conan briefly allied with in the
lost city Lanjau. Burgan, Conan and the third man, Igon, visit the
temple of Anu, the priest of which had hired the thieves to rob the Red
Temple. Conan reunites with Jenna, and decides to help Burgan on his
thieving runs, always staying one step ahead of Captain Aron. Finally,
the duo targets the secret ruler of the city, the Red Priest Nabonidus.
Meanwhile, Captain Aron traces the thieves back to the Temple of Anu,
and the priest there reveals Nabonidus to be the next victim. Aron sets a
trap and Burgan is captured. Igon, more interested in Jenna, doesn’t
seem to care his partner is imprisoned and refuses to help Conan break
him out. Burgan is hanged, but Conan notes Aron meeting with the priest
in the window of the Temple of Anu. Angered beyond belief, Conan
confronts the priest, who summons Anu himself – a red humanoid bull-god.
The priest is protected from Anu’s rage by as amulet, but loses that
protection when Conan snatches the amulet from around the priest’s neck.
Anu goes on a rampage, growing larger and larger until it takes the
priest in hand and crushes him. Turning wraith-like, Anu grows hundreds
of feet tall and vanishes into the heavens. The priest, near death, is
helped along by a blow from Conan’s sword. Conan returns to the gallows,
slits the throat of the guard, cuts down his friend’s body, burns the
scaffold to the ground, and buries Burgun outside the town.
“Stroom’s Strange Solution” / LA STRANA SOLUZIONE DI STROOM
Stan Lee , Larry Lieber
- Job Number:
- X-486
Content Information
- Genre:
- science fiction
- Characters:
- King Kellu; Dr. Immanuel Stroom
- Synopsis:
- An
alien world is dangerously overpopulated, so a scientist releases a gas
that shrinks the entire population, making the same amount of space
accomodate more people.
Recycles in part the plot of Fantastic
Four (1961 series) #7 Prisoners of Kurrgo, Master of Planet X (in Italy in F4C # 4).