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collana Fantasy , EDITORIALE CORNO, 1980

Se qui da noi la definizione GLI ETERNI evoca irrimediabilmente entità immortali, inalienabili e incombenti quali Giorgio Napolitano, Silvio Berlusconi, Maurizio Costanzo, Pierferdinando Casini, Corrado Augias e Pippo Baudo, in america invece richiama una serie supereroistica a fumetti classica ed intramontabile ( ETERNALS in lingua originale ) che deve il suo successo non a scandali, processi, collusioni con mafia e malavita, crimini dal colletto bianco e bustarelle ma solamente e immensamente ai magnifici disegni dell’ indimenticabile re JACK KIRBY

Questa è la favolosa serie gigante Corno che ha fatto conoscere in Italia la superba saga SF-fantasy , e ne è rimasta l’ unica pubblicazione nostrana per decenni, fino al masterwork integrale uscito un paio d’anni fa e puff !  oggi già disperatamente e inesorabilmente esaurito

Tra l’ altro la collana ospita anche altro materiale eccellente che nessuno si è mai sognato di ristampare, un pò per dimenticanza, un pò per pigrizia, un pò per ignoranza , un pò per accidia: MACHINE-MAN , NOVA , 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY , OMEGA , GUARDIANS OF GALAXY , LUNAR alias MOON KNIGHT alias IL CAVALIERE DELLA LUNA, CYBERNUS / DEATHLOK ,  3-D MAN, addirittura c’è pure un episodio di X-Men di Claremont & Byrne sull’ ultimo numero, il 29.

in questo numero : 

come sostituto generico degli esauriti ETERNI di Kirby continua MISTER MACCHINA (Machine Man the living robot), spin off di 2001 odissea nello spazio , anche lui ad incombente rischio di rottamazione essendo un catorcio vecchio di svariati decenni con una classificazione ambientale addirittura negativa (euro meno 2)

proseguono anche le altre serie :

– DEATHLOK (ribattezzato e additato al debutto italiano come CYBERNUS, una storpiatura davvero infame, crudele e soprattutto immotivata per un povero robot bionico senza alcuna colpa salvo quella di essere un bastardo figlio di puttana infarcito di cavi e lamiere) 

– NOVA che per tirare a campare adesso deve addirittura fare affidamento sui vecchi nemici di Dracula come il cervellotico Dottor Sun

 – e la appassionante saga fantastellare de I GUARDIANI DELLA GALASSIA tratta da Marvel Presents che si sposta sull’ inospitale pianeta Arturo dove c’è pure un ristorante ottimo ma malfamato e quindi non menzionato nella guida per gli autostoppisti

condizioni  : ottime, l’ albo non è di busta, completo del poster allegato al centro

a disposizione moltissimi numeri delle altre serie Corno , Star e Marvel, sono gradite le mancoliste.

Machine Man Vol 1 7

“With a Nation Against Him!” / TUTTI CONTRO MISTER MACCHINA

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Congressional Committee



As you’d expect after he saved the world from the invasion of Ten-For last issue, this issue starts with Machine Man hauled in front of a Congressional committee, which now has to decide what to do about the federal order to destroy all of the X-Series robots. In the meantime, MM is released in the custody of Dr. Spaulding, and wins over a hostile crowd by stopping a pickpocket. Oh, fickle humanity. Out in the open, Machine Man is attacked by a larger clumsy robot sent by an inventor out for publicity.

Nova Vol 1 24

“The New Champions!” / I NUOVI CAMPIONI !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Dr. Sun and the Sphinx decide to work
together to reach their own goals, and force Nova to collect Powerhouse
for them as he holds a key secret in getting Nova’s ship to return to
its place of origin. While on Earth, the Comet is confronted by
Crime-Buster, who reveals himself as Comet’s son, explaining that he
survived the assassination attempt that killed his mother and siblings.
Realizing that they are both looking for Nova, they pick up on his
energy signature and follow after him.

They track Nova to London, where he has gone to collect
Powerhouse. After a brief fight with Powerhouse, they are all teleported
aboard Nova’s ship. There Powerhouse’s long lost memories are restored
and he remembers that he is a member of the Xandarian race, and that
Nova is the recipient of the power of the last of the Nova Corps.

While in the loading dock of the ship, Diamondback has hitched a
ride aboard Crime-Buster’s ship, and decides he will try to take control
of the ship.

Astonishing Tales Vol 1 28

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Frankenstein book


  • Super-Tank
  • Deathlok’s Helicopter (Destroyed)


Arming himself with new guns that are more conventional but less
effective against other cyborgs than the laser pistol he destroyed,
Deathlok sets out to find someone to fix his cyborg body. He learns from
the computer that the two men Ryker manipulated him into killing in Astonishing Tales #25
were two of the three surgeons that had helped create his body
originally, and there’s insufficient data to find the third. As he’s
searching for any lead on someone to help him and fighting cannibal
gangs in the ruins of New York, he’s soon attacked by a robotic tank
sent by Ryker and operated by the brain of his captive lover, Nina.
Running from the tank and Ryker’s soldiers, Deathlok runs into a rebel
soldier who offers to help. They make their way to Deathlok’s
helicopter, by Ryker’s men reach it first and destroy it, leaving
Deathlok and his new friend pinned by the Northern Wall and Ryker’s

Marvel Presents Vol 1 11

“At War with Arcturus!” / IN GUERRA CON ARTURO !  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




The story opens on the Captain America spaceship, mere seconds before the destruction seen in the previous issue. The Guardians manage to escape in a section of the ship jettisoned by Vance Astro’s psychokinetic powers and crashes into the Arcturan ship Kammar. The Guardians of the Galaxy board the Kammar and attack the crew.

Marvel Presents 011-02Marvel Presents 011-03

The regular Arcturans, having neither the strength of resilience of their androids do not last long against the battle ready Guardians.

Once in command of the Kammar, Martinex accesses the ships computers and we’re treated to a brief summary of Starhawk’s origin and two other entries, one being 500 years ago, when Starhawk prevented the Reavers from acquiring and alien ship and the other showing the Reavers capturing Tara, Sita and John, Starhawk & Aleta’s children and them being returned the Arcturus IV for debriefing.

The scene then shifts to Arcturus IV, where Starhawk arrives and confront Ogord who brings in the children and tells Starhawk that he has unleashed the children’s latent powers and changed them into energy vampires. 
Continued to next issue…

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Titolo Serie




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