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GLI ETERNI corno N.6 IL DIO DELLO SPAZIO kirby nova 2001 space a odyssey omega


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Se qui da noi la definizione GLI ETERNI evoca irrimediabilmente entità immortali, inalienabili ed incombenti quali Giorgio Napolitano, Silvio Berlusconi, Maurizio Costanzo, Pierferdinando Casini, Corrado Augias e Pippo Baudo, in america invece è una serie supereroistica a fumetti classica ed intramontabile (ETERNALS in lingua originale) che deve il suo successo e la sua popolarità non a scandali, processi , rumours di collusioni con mafia e malavita, presunti crimini dal colletto bianco e bustarelle ma solamente e immensamente ai magnifici disegni dell’ indimenticabile re JACK KIRBY

Questa è la favolosa serie gigante Corno che ha fatto conoscere in Italia la superba saga SF-fantasy , e ne è rimasta l’ unica pubblicazione nostrana per decenni, fino al masterwork integrale uscito pochi anni fa e puff !  oggi già disperatamente ed inesorabilmente esaurito

Tra l’ altro la collana ospita anche altro materiale eccellente, ristampato poco o addirittura mai, un po’ per dimenticanza, un po’ per pigrizia, un po’ per ignoranza , un po’ per accidia, un po’ per impedimenti oggettivi : MACHINE-MAN , NOVA , 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY , OMEGA , GUARDIANS OF GALAXY , LUNAR alias MOON KNIGHT alias IL CAVALIERE DELLA LUNA, CYBERNUS / DEATHLOK the demolisher ,  3-D MAN, e c’è persino un episodio di X-Men di Claremont & Byrne sull’ ultimo numero, il 29.

in questo numero : ETERNI – NOVA – OMEGA

prosegue inoltre la pubblicazione della espansione seriale di 2001 ODISSEA NELLO SPAZIO ad opera di Jack Kirby che segue a ruota la graphic novel della Treasury Edition in formato gigante con il suo personalissimo adattamento a fumetti del film di Stanley Kubrick ispirato a sua volta al romanzo di Arthur C. Clarke (quella di questa collana resta a tutt’oggi l’unica edizione italiana mai prodotta , infatti la miniserie non è tuttora ristampabile per il drastico ed inflessibile veto della casa di produzione cinematografica MGM detentrice dei diritti che non ha mai gradito questa stupenda versione considerandola invece una interpretazione arbitraria ed incoerente, poco aderente e troppo divergente dai canoni concettuali fondamentali e dai cardini di senso assiomatici dell’ opera originale, se non addirittura lesiva nei confronti della leggendaria pellicola)

condizioni : buonissime, la stampa dei colori di copertina è sfasata (difetto tipografico), l’ albo non è di busta

a disposizione moltissimi numeri delle altre serie Corno , Star e Marvel, sono gradite le mancoliste.

Eternals Vol 1 7
“The Fourth Host” / IL DIO DELLO SPAZIO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



More members of the Celestial Forth Host descend upon the City of the Gods in the Andes Mountains. Gammenon the Gatherer
offers a capsule to Ajak who honorably accepts it. Inside the capsule
are the discorporated atoms of the three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that
Arishem banished only moments ago. 

Ajak and Daniel Damian use the
technology found within the temple to re-assemble the men’s atoms. The
S.H.I.E.L.D. agents immediately go on the offensive, but their weapons
are useless here. Ajak explains the history and purpose of the Celestial
Host and tells them that they are now trapped inside the temple with
them with no chance of escape.

The agents refuse to remain captive however. One of them,
Stevenson, punches Ajak in the jaw and makes a run for it. 

He gets as
far as the outside steps where he encounters Tefral the Surveyor. He
throws a grenade at him, but the Celestial catches it where it explodes
harmlessly in his hand. 

As punishment for their transgressions, the
S.H.I.E.L.D’s agents’ bodies are discorporated once again and placed
inside the capsule.

Meanwhile high above the planet, the leader of the Fourth Host,
the One Above All, sits silently in his God-Ship. He sends an electronic
signal to Earth in the form of a veritable ladder of fire. 

The message
is decoded and received by the other members of the Fourth Host who
depart the mountains for unknown locales across the Earth. They are
preparing for Alpha Day. 

Nova Vol 1 6
“And So… the Sphinx!” / ED ORA : LA SFINGE !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



The Sphinx, an immensely powerful being seeking immortality, has
become interest in Nova believing that Nova may be the key to his
finding immortality. Meanwhile, Nova breaks up a robbery before changing
back to his civilian guise of Richard Rider. Richard visits Bernie who
is worried about “Caps” who has been missing. Caps meanwhile is being
terrorized by a faceless man.

Elsewhere, Condor and Diamondhead break into the facility which
is holding Powerhouse following his previous battle with Nova. 

Nova gets
wind of the situation and tries to stop them, however Nova is
overpowered by his three foes and is taken to the Condor’s secret hide

There, Condor turns his devices on Nova erasing his memories and
implanting ideals and an evil spirit in Nova hoping to use him as a pawn
for their own ends. As the experiment succeeds, Condor and his comrades
are unaware that their activities are being watched closely by the

COMICS CAN BE AWESOME (15 December 2020) - Gotham Calling
“Norton of New York 2040 AD” / NORTON DI NEW YORK 2050 D.C.

Featured Characters:

  • Harvey Norton



  • The Monolith


Harvey Norton’s encounter with the monolith in 2040 stimulates him to join up with space exploration. 

In Neptune‘s
orbit Harvey and his teammates locate a capsule containing an alien
girl and bring it aboard, whereupon their ship is attacked. 

Omega the Unknown Vol 1 4
“Cats and No Dogs!” / UNA PIOGGIA D’ ARTIGLI  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Teresa Mendez
  • John “Nerdly” Nedley
  • Nick Delbello
  • Gramps


  • El Gato

Other Characters:

  • Mr. Lucien
  • Principal Anderson



Continued from last issue…
In Chemistry class, Nick switches some flasks when the teacher isn’t
looking as a prank. James-Michael tries to inform the teacher that his
demonstration will lead to a violent accident, and when he refuses to
acknowledge this, Nedly dives in to throw the newly mixed chemicals out
the window before they explode, burning his hand in the process. The
teacher takes James-Michael and Nedly to the Principal’s office,
blaiming them for the prank, but the kids make the principal see that
the teacher’s negligence was more at fault. They’re sent on their way to
their next class but just as Nedly is feeling empowered by his new
friend, he finds himself alone in the halls against Nick and his gang,
who believe Nedly ratted him out to the Principal.
Meanwhile, Omega returns to find Gramps panicking about Teresa being abducted
by a departing limo. Omega stops the car and out steps El Gato, who
keeps the hero at bay with an array of mystic powers, including
manipulating a horde of stray cats to attack him. 
Gramps opens a fire
hydrant to chase the cats away, and El Gato confidently invites Omega to
consult with Teresa in the car. In a hypnotic state, Teresa claims
she’s going with El Gato of her own free will. Seeing no alternative,
Omega allows them to drive away.

Omega the Unknown Vol 1 5

“Into the Cat’s Lair!” / NELLA TANA DEL GATTO  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • El Gato

Other Characters:

  • Mr. Beal
  • school nurses



John Nedley stumbles into the school cafeteria and collapses, beaten
nearly to death by Nick and his gang. Amidst the ensuing panic, the
voices in James-Michael’s head grow intense and he recognizes the word
“revenge” coming from the thoughts of his classmate, Tank.
Meanwhile, Omega follows El Gato’s car to a neighborhood in the Lower
East Side. El Gato escorts the hypnotized Teresa into his building and
announces to his followers that Teresa will become his bride after the
Ritual of Purification.
Continued to next issue….


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