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HULK E I DIFENSORI corno N.11 GOLEM E' TRA NOI ! dottor dr. doctor strange 1975


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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale


Anche in questo numero c’è regolarmente la storia di HULK da single (impegnato a cercare di rispedire a nanna un massiccio golem rianimato da qualche incauto e sciagurato alchimista ebreo di Praga quindi oltretutto pure comunista), ma in rappresentanza dei DIFENSORI c’è ancora una volta soltanto il DOTTOR STRANGE che però con i suoi poteri magici riesce ugualmente a timbrare i cartellini di tutti gli altri rimasti invece a letto, a fare scommesse alla snai o al bar a bere e a giocare a carte


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Isaac
  • Rachel
  • Rebecca
  • Morvanian resistance fighters


Other Characters:


  • Morvania
    • Draxon’s palace
    • The Old City
    • other city
  • Prague (Only in flashback)


  • Imperial Amulet
  • Ultimate Weapon


The Hulk has found himself in the dictatorship of Morvania where
he decides to stay in peace after warning the dictator Draxon to stay
out of his way. The Hulk’s wanderings bring him to meet a little girl
named Rachel, who’s father Isaac is forming a resistance army to over
throw the evil dictator. Rachel believes that the Hulk is really the
Golem, a mythical creature created in the Prague centuries ago by Juda
Lowben Bazalel who created the clay being to protect his people from

When she brings the Hulk to her home, her parents are frightened
and try to defend themselves making the Hulk flee. When Rachel tells her
father that she believes that the Hulk is the Golem coming to rescue
them, Isaac recounts the legend and wonders if perhaps the Hulk can aid
them in overthrowing Draxon. The Hulk continues his wandering about the
land trying to find an ideal place to live. Finding the villagers
frightened of him, the Hulk finally finds a place to stay in an
abandoned village.

Meanwhile, the dictator Draxon is furious over the Hulk’s
continued presence on the island and that the locals are starting to
believe that he is the Golem of legend, however decides to leave the
monster be as he is still in control of the country and Draxon recalls
how he managed to take over the country by force and take possession of
the royal jewels that designate their possessors as king.

That night, the Hulk is visited by the resistance movement who
plead for him to help them overthrow Draxon. The Hulk refuses to join
their cause, explaining his agreement with Draxon, prompting them to
leave disappointed. Isaac and the others are unaware that one of their
number is really a spy for Draxon. The traitor tells Draxon of the
movements failure to recruit the Hulk and that they plan on attacking
the castle from the village.

Sure enough, Isaac and his men take out all the soldiers in the
city and take one of their trucks up to the castle to begin their
rebellion, however, find Draxon waiting with his super-weapons fully
constructed. They are easily overpowered and end up being pinned down
and forced to stay on the defensive. As the battle rages, little Rachel
finds the Hulk and her tears convince the monster to help save her

The Hulk easily crushes Draxon’s army, and when Draxon himself
tries to attack the Hulk in a high-tech tank, the Hulk easily destroys
the device, killing Draxon in the process. With Draxon defeated, Isaac
gives the Hulk the royal jewels and asks him to be their new king.
Uninterested in such things the Hulk crushes the jewels leaving the
people of Morvania to their own fate. 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Little rabbit




While Clea is practicing her mystical powers, Dr. Strange’s Sanctum
is infiltrated by Silver Dagger, who believes Strange to be a demon in
need of destruction. Mesmerizing Clea and incapacitating Wong, Silver
Dagger manages to sneak up behind Strange and stab him in the back with a
mystical dagger before stealing the Eye of Agamotto and fleeing with

Strange survives the attack, however when he tries to use the Orb
of Agamotto, however is transports him into the land of Agamotto, where
the being presents itself in a form similar to the caterpillar from
“Alice in Wonderland”, after a brief battle with the creature, Agamotto
sends Strange off to the center of the Orb, where he may find freedom. 

Back from the Dead!” / IL RITORNO DALLA MORTE !

Featured Characters:




Harry Dawes, an escaped convict, winds up on Easter Island
where a man he assumes is a native asks him for help in locating a
parchment which, when read, will reawaken the statues which are really aliens
in suspended animation. He eventually locates the parchment, but when
he tries to make the aliens follow his orders they refuse, and he
attempts to get the native to help him escape the island. The native
removes a mask to reveal himself as the captain of the Stone-Men.

  • The Stone-Men in this issue strongly resemble the later Kronans of the Marvel Universe, also created by this issue’s artist: Jack Kirby

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