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HULK E I DIFENSORI corno N.36 PER LA VITA DI UN MUTANTE la bestia wendigo 1976


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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale

Ancora un numero dedicato esclusivamente ad HULK presente all’ interno con 2 episodi completi (nel primo affiancato e cinturato dalla BESTIA mutante che è impegnata nel suo personalissimo X-factor itinerante, nel secondo opposto allo spaventoso bestione algonchino ed antropofago WENDIGO al suo debutto assoluto nella ghiotta tavolata dell’ universo marvel) mentre I DIFENSORI sono temporaneamente assenti per impegni in trasferta a mirabilandia dove pero’ il ciccione color clorofilla non può andare perchè precedentemente daspato



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This story follows up from Amazing Adventures Vol. 2 #16 (in Italy in CAPC #76).

The Hulk has landed in Canada in his usual fashion: With a bang.
The impact of his last leap causing enough racket to draw the attention
of a group of RCMP officers on horseback and prompting them to go an
investigate. When they spot the Hulk, the Mounties calmly orders the
Hulk to surrender to them to be turned over to the American authorities.
The Hulk responds by pulling up the ground up from under their feet
sending the Canadian law enforcers tumbling to the ground. Regaining
their feet the Mounties begin to fire upon the Hulk, but the Hulk stops
the attack when he strikes a tree causing it to tumble into path and
leaps away.

The news Hulk’s arrival into Canada spreads quickly and at a
border crossing between Ottawa and Montreal refuses American travelers
for their own safety. Among the cars in line is one being driven by Hank
McCoy and his old girlfriend Vera Cantor. This set back upsets Cantor
who needs Hank’s genetics expertise on some important mission to save
the whole world. Unknown to Vera, Hank was a member of the X-Men known
as Beast, who recently mutated himself further to have the appearance of
a literal beast. Hank knocks her out by punching a nerve and changes
out of his human disguise and reveals himself to the border patrol
guards carrying Vera over his shoulder. This startles the border guards
long enough for Hank to slip by into Canada and into the woods. There he
changes back into his human disguise before Vera wakes up, when Vera
asks him how they got across the border, he tells her it’s an old Rum
smuggler secret and tells her that he needed to knock out. Due to the
urgency of Vera’s problem, Vera accepts this and the two continue on
their quest.

The Hulk meanwhile is continuing to leap and bound across the
Canadian wilderness when suddenly he realizing his great strength and
abilities are slowly waning away, but he has no idea why. Realizing that
if he goes a certain direction he continues to grow weaker, the Hulk
decides to follow the trail and stop whoever is sapping away his

While elsewhere, the Hulk and Vera reach their destination, a log
cabin in the woods, after being signaled that the coast is clear, Hank
learns that Vera has brought him to see his old foe and former X-Men
teammate Mimic. When he considers that Mimic didn’t tell Vera about his
secret identity, which confirms to Hank that Calvin Rankin really does
need his scientific expertise to tackle whatever problem is threatening
the world. Inviting them in, Calvin explains to Hank that his mimicking
power has grown out of control and that he’s begun not only mimicking
peoples powers but leeching them away to the point where he can
potentially kill them. Calvin has been trying his best to control his
abilities, but they continue to grow and fade as time progresses getting
stronger each time. By his calculations, Calvin believes that his
powers could cause him to suck the life out of every living thing on the
planet. Taking them to the basement of the cabin he reveals that he and
Vera have pooled all their money into expensive equipment to try and
cure Mimic of his powers, however to date they have not succeeded and
decided to seek Hank out to see if he can help somehow.

The Hulk meanwhile is continuing his trek toward the source that
is draining his powers, now finding that his leaping ability and his
strength have been greatly diminished, but he continues to plod on even
if it means the end of the Hulk. Back in the States, General Ross has
learned that the Hulk has arrived in Canada and asks for permission to
cross the border and deal with the Hulk. This request is denied as the
Canadian authorities wish to study the situation and determine their own
solution and Ross is ordered to remain in the United States. Furious
that the Hulk is in Canada where his daughter Betty is currently on her
honeymoon with Glenn Talbot, the General swears to prevent the Hulk from
ruining her recent marriage to Talbot, and is not willing to let
bureaucracy stop him from doing it.

Hulk meanwhile has tracked the source of his power drain to Mimic’s
cabin. Before the Hulk can climb down to its location he suddenly has a
fainting spell and falls down on the cabin, crashing down to the
basement where Hank has begun his experiments on trying to cure Calvin
of his powers. Hank tries to reason with the Hulk, get him to understand
that Calvin is sick and that he should leave, but the Hulk realizes
that Mimic is the source of his waning power and swats Hank aside.

With Vera having gone to seek cover, Hank changes out of his
disguise and attacks the Hulk as the Beast. The two pummel each other
but find that they are equally matched. Not wishing his potential savior
to be harmed by the Hulk, Calvin gets up off the table and tries to
join the fight. Realizing that there is no help for him, and feeling
guilty that the Hulk is suffering because of his powers, Mimic decides
to do the drastic: absorb the properties of the Hulk’s Gamma radiation
into his body. Dying of radiation poisoning, Mimic thanks Hank for his
attempt at helping him, but even though he is dying, he has at least
saved the world. With his strength returning, the Hulk tries to
comprehend what just happened and decides to leave, determining that
whatever went on didn’t involve him. As the Hulk wanders off into the
woods already beginning to forget the encounter, Hank changes back into
his human disguise and tells Vera the bad news.

Continuity Notes

  • The Beast recalls his last encounter with Mimic from back in X-Men #77 (in Italy in CAPC #31).
  • Although Mimic seemingly dies here, he actually survives thanks to mimicking the healing factor of Wolverine who happened to be passing by at the moment. As revealed in Marvel Comics Presents #5661 (in Italy in THPP #20-22). 

Featured Characters:

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The Hulk continues to rampage through Canada in his search for
Betty Talbot, leading the Canadian military to call in General Ross to
discuss the matter. After going over the situation the Royal Canadian
Air-Force and the Prime Minister of Canada allows for Ross and his
Hulkbusters to operate in Canada to capture the Hulk and extradite him
back to the United States.

The Hulk meanwhile continues North through the Canadian
wilderness, becoming more muddled and confused as to why he is there and
where he is going, holding onto the dim remembrance that he’s trying to
find Betty. The Hulk begins to have a tantrum until he is contacted by a
voice of a man called Paul Cartier who is begging for help. Before the
Hulk can make sense of the eerie voice from nowhere, he is attacked by a
group of hunters. The Hulk easily swats them away and is about to
pummel them when a girl named Marie begins attacking. She has confused
the Hulk with a creature called the Wendigo that has apparently attacked
and killed her brother, Paul Cartier. The Hulk, touched by the woman’s
sadness doesn’t fight back and explains who he is and promises to go
looking for whoever harmed her brother.

elsewhere in Canada, on a ski hill miles removed from where the Hulk
is, Glenn Talbot and his new wife Betty enjoy romance on the ski slopes
blissfully unaware that the Hulk is in the country somewhere.

The Hulk hunts across the Canadian wilderness searching for the
Wendigo, however, the giant hirsute creature finds him first and
attacks. Apparently, the Hulk has stumbled upon the creature just as it
was about to feed on a man. The man begs the Hulk to save him from the
Wendigo’s cannibalistic hunger. Thinking this man is Paul Cartier, the
Hulk attacks the Wendigo, and the two appear to be evenly matched in
strength. The Hulk is knocked off a cliff, and the Wendigo tosses the
man off the cliff as well, however, he is saved by the Hulk.

The Hulk takes the injured man back to the logging camp where
Marie Cartier and the others recognize the man as Georges Baptiste,
Paul’s friend. There George explains that he and Paul were out hunting
with their friend Henri Cluzot. They were attacked by wolves and were
forced to hide out in a cave where Henri died. With no food, they
eventually began to starve and Paul would commit an act of cannibalism
on Henri’s dead body. They explain to the Hulk that Paul became a victim
of the curse of the Wendigo and became the Wendigo himself.

Understanding this the Hulk goes back out into the wilderness to
try and find the Wendigo and help Paul break the curse. The Hulk finds
the creature at a logging camp and their fight resumes. Paul’s spirit
calls out to the Hulk telling him that his mind is dissolving and that
the Wendigo is taking full control. But try as he might, the Hulk is
unable to stop the Wendigo who appears to be an even match for the Green
Goliath. In the end, Paul’s mind completely dissolves and the Windigo,
now in full control kicks the Hulk away and runs off into the
wilderness. As it runs off, the Hulk remarks that no matter how strong
he was, there was nothing he could do to save Paul.

Continuity Notes

  • It is mentioned that Glenn and Betty had recently gotten married that happened in Incredible Hulk #158 (in Italy in H&DC #34).

Marvel Tales Vol 1 138



Spaceship pilots who can’t make the grade in rocket flight school are tested in simulations. 

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