prima serie Editoriale Corno
contiene inoltre : LA COSA & IRON MAN (da Marvel Feature # 12 dell’ 11/34 ) – SUB MARINER ( Due mondi… una tragedia 2a parte )
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Gregory Gideon (Cameo)
- Slugger Johnson
- Wild Ones (Earth-1958)
- Moon
- Wildman
- Protectors for the Nation/Patriots
- Joe Kone
- McHammer
The Human Torch, Thing and Medusa rise from the wreckage of Gregory
Gideon’s handiwork. Gideon and the Dragon Man appear to be dead. Johnny
uses his nova blast to charge up a machine to reinvigorate Reed who has
been lying comatose. They leave the facility to go and track down Sue
What they don’t realize is that one of Gideon’s henchmen, Slugger
Johnson, has also survived. He wanders about for a bit, until he runs
across the entity known as the Shaper of Worlds. The Shaper uses Slugger
as his own personal muse and recreates reality in accordance to
Slugger’s imagination.
The new reality mirrors the reflections and lifestyle of the 1950s. A group of juvenile delinquents known as the Wild Ones
fly around in hover-cycles in their ongoing war against the The Nation,
a totalitarian regime where a protectorate known as the Patriots tries
to keep the world safe from the threat of the “youthies”.
The Fantastic Four find themselves trapped inside this new
reality and split up. Johnny and Medusa investigate the Wild Ones, while
Reed and Ben are invited to the council chambers of the Patriots. The
Patriots interrogate the two heroes asking if they have ever been
involved with the Youth movement.
The leader of the Wild Ones wants Johnny and Medusa to steal a secret weapon from a mastermind known as the Brain.
- In the Shaper’s altered reality, the scientific genius known as the Brain is actually Albert Einstein.
- The Dragon Man is not really dead. He will appear next in Captain America (Volume 1) #248.
“The Bite of the Blood Brothers!” / IL MORSO DEI FRATELLI DI SANGUE !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Mentor (A’Lars)
- Eros
- Drax the Destroyer (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Controller (Appears in flashback and main story)
The Thing attempts to walk back to civilization after his battle with the Hulk
last issue. Iron Man flies overhead, but is too busy to stop. Iron Man
is returning to the place where he first meet Thanos, in an attempt to
find clues of the titan’s location. He is soon ambushed by the blood
brothers. The Thing, having seen Iron Man land, follows after him.
Monitoring Iron Man from his Cosmic Cube, Thanos orders his
agents the Blood Brothers to destroy him. The Blood Brothers however did
not anticipate for the arrival of the Thing, who matches their strength
and his rocky exterior which prevents them from drinking his blood.
With the aid of the Thing, Iron man is able to fight the Blood Brothers
to a standstill.
With the Blood Brothers defeated, Thanos uses the cosmic cube to
send them away. After the fight is over, Iron Man tells Thing that he
doesn’t have the power to carry them both out of the desert and
apologizes. Thing, figuring it is his lot in life trudges off into the
desert, continuing his walk back to civilization.
- The Thing last appeared in Marvel Feature #11. He appears next in Marvel Two-In-One #1.
- Iron Man last appeared in Captain Marvel #30; He appears next in Avengers #119. This issue’s tale directly correlates with Iron Man’s storyline in Captain Marvel #30.
- Thanos’ appearance in this story occurs between the events depicted in Captain Marvel #30.
- The Blood Brothers last appeared in Iron Man #55; They appear next in Iron Man #88.
- This is the last issue of Marvel Feature Vol 1. Following this issue, the Thing is granted his own Marvel Team-Up style series Marvel Two-In-One.
- As seen on page one, this issue is Story#1602Z.
“Two Worlds and Dark Destiny” / DUE MONDI… UNA TRAGEDIA (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Namor finally finds Dr. Walthers in a hospital and learns that
the villain Force has the only functioning model of the force field
device. Force is busy rampaging across New York city and Namor quickly
finds him.