prima serie Editoriale Corno
questo numero è in gran parte dedicato alle nozze tra la sguaiata Crystal e l’ ingenuo Quicksilver, che alla fine saranno celebrate in pompa magna – sia pubblica che privata – alla presenza di Fantastici Quattro, Vendicatori ed Inumani al gran completo, nonostante l’ inevitabile tentativo di sabotaggio da parte del guastafeste Ultron, che in realtà poi voleva soltanto fare un favore al povero sposo inconsapevole che da lì innanzi sarà regolarmente e ripetutamente cornificato dalla bella mutante col vizio incallito di non usare le mutande per potersi accoppiare più velocemente ed agevolmente con cani e porci, senza alcun riguardo e scrupolo per la promessa nuziale che andrà in breve completamente a ramengo.
Tutta la affannosa faccenda si svolge e si compie in un frenetico ed angosciante trittico di episodi crossoverizzanti, che poi per la precisione sarebbero due col secondo diviso in due parti distinte, e comunque è tutta minestra riscaldata, in quanto sia l’ episodio degli Avengers (con però un titolo diverso) che il patetico capitolo nuziale erano già stati pubblicati appena otto mesi prima su Thor Corno n.135 e 136.
contiene inoltre : PRINCIPE NAMOR SUB MARINER (con una sua storia retrospettiva della golden age)
condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)
condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5
condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7
condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5
condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4
per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

“Bride and Doom!” / ULTRON ROVINA LA FESTA
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Maximus the Mad
- Ultron-7 (Impersonates Omega) (Revealed to be alive)
- Alpha Primitives
- RN-62 (First appearance)
- Numerous unnamed others
Other Characters:
- Butler Jarvis
- Agatha Harkness
- Franklin Richards
- Omega (Android) (Alive in recap and statue in main story)
While sitting down to supper at Avengers Mansion, the Avengers are
startled by the arrival of Gorgon of the Inhumans, who has come to take
them to the wedding of Quicksilver and Crystal, and is infuriated with
the speedster mutant when he realizes that the Avengers were not made
aware of the wedding.
However, the Avengers do drop everything to attend
the wedding.
While the Avengers, Fantastic Four and Inhumans prepare to
celebrate the upcoming wedding, Maximus and an unknown benefactor are
plotting to crash the wedding and attack everyone involved by stirring
up dissent among the Alpha Primitives.
Before the wedding can begin, the Alphas attack the Inhumans.
Crystal is captured by what appears to be a revived Omega.
However, it
is soon revealed that it is not Omega, but a resurrected Ultron, who has
come to get revenge against the Avengers.
This story is continued in Fantastic Four #150…
- Cover art modifications by Romita.
- Quicksilver has not appeared in this title since Avengers #110 (in Italy in THC #120).
- Ultron last appeared in Avengers #68 (in Italy in THC #84).
- The Inhuman Royal Family and Fantastic Four last appearance in this title was in Avengers #118 (in Italy in ASE #38), during the Avengers/Defenders War.

“Ultron-7 : He’ll Rule the World!” / RITORNO DALLE TENEBRE
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Story continued from Avengers #127…
The Fantastic Four, Avengers and Inhuman royal family have an
uninvited guest to the wedding of Crystal and Quicksilver: the robot
known as Ultron-7, who has somehow taken control of the body of the
inert android known as Omega. After Ultron gloats over his invasion, the
Thing tries to attack, only to be repelled back.
The killer robot
continues to boast about his superiority, pointing out that he is
nothing like the Omega Android that the Fantastic Four fought
previously. As the Thing recovers, Black Bolt — leader of the Inhumans — begins
to ponder over the situation since Ultron has Crystal as his prisoner.
As the king of the Inhumans ponders the situation, Agatha Harkness
teleports onto the scene carrying the comatose body of Franklin Richards
in her arms.
As Ultron stands before them, Mister Fantastic demands that the
robot explains his presence in Attilan. The boastful robot decides to
indulge the leader of the Fantastic Four because it is confident that it
will destroy them all. Ultron explains that following its last defeat
at the hands of the Avengers, the robot’s severed head was located by Maximus, Black Bolt’s mad
brother. Using devices that Bolt foolishly gave his brother while in
captivity, Maximus then drew Ultron’s head to Attilan in the hopes of
using it to destroy his enemies.
Ultron was revived in the body of
Omega, but he quickly dispatched his would-be ally in order to get his
own revenge as well as initiate his own schemes. With its explanation
over, Ultron vows to destroy all humans. This prompts the heroes to
prepare to attack, but before they can they are suddenly assaulted with a
mental projection that will reduce their minds to blank slates.
While the heroes reel in this mental assault, the beams have an
unforeseen side effect: They begin stimulating the dormant mind of
Franklin Richards. Coming out of his long-standing coma, Franklin
unleashes a powerful mental counterattack that not only catches Ultron
off-guard but seemingly destroys him. As the vengeful robot’s inert body
falls to the ground, the gathered heroes recover from the attack.
the aftermath of the battle, the Fantastic Four are delighted to see
that not only has Franklin been snapped out of his coma, but the powers
that threatened to destroy everything have been seemingly wiped out.
Happily reunited with their son, Reed and Sue embrace him in a family
- This story continues from the events of Avengers #127 when all the guests arrive at the wedding and Ultron attacks.
- Some facts about Ultron in this story:
- His body is comprised of the remains of the android known as Omega. Omega was created by Maximus in Fantastic Four #131 (in Italy in F4C #129) and rendered inert in Fantastic Four #132 (in Italy in F4C #130), its body has remained standing over the Inhumans ever since. Ultron was first seen in form in Avengers #127.
- Ultron mentions his previous destruction at the hands of the Avengers, this happened in Avengers #66–68 (in Italy in THC #82-84), ending with Ultron’s severed head ending up in a vacant lot.
- Although seemingly destroyed here, Ultron next appears in Avengers #157 (in Italy in THC #207) when he turns a statue of the Black Knight against the Avengers.
- This is also not the last of the Omega construct, as the Android is rebuilt many years later in Realm of Kings: Inhumans #4 by Maximus who uses it against the Inhuman royal family again.
- Ultron makes reference to the mental state of Maximus, pointing out
that he is currently unstable. Maximus regained some semblance of sanity
when he retook in the throne of the Inhumans in Amazing Adventures (Vol. 2) #5. Later in Avengers #95 (in Italy in THC #63), Black Bolt retook the Inhuman throne, and Maximus went mad again after hearing his brother’s voice. - Franklin Richards awakens from his long-standing coma in this story. He was forced into it by his own father in Fantastic Four #141 (in Italy in F4C #139), in order to shut down his powers which were raging out of control thanks to the manipulations of Annihilus.
It is stated here that Franklin’s powers are gone. However, they are
merely dormant and they begin to manifest again starting in Fantastic Four #216 (in Italy in URC2S #30-31).

“The Wedding of Crystal and Quicksilver!” / LE NOZZE DI CRYSTAL E QUICKSILVER !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Agatha Harkness
- Franklin Richards
- Alicia Masters
- Whizzer
- Jane Foster (Recap)
- Sif (Recap)
- Pepper Potts (Recap)

With the robot Ultron destroyed, the wedding of Crystal and
Quicksilver goes on with much fanfare among Inhuman society. Preparing
for the ceremonies are Ben Grimm and his girlfriend Alicia Masters.
Although Ben makes a joke about crying at weddings, the moment of mirth
poorly masks a sadness, leaving Alicia to wonder why Ben continues to
mask his true feelings. As Alicia is dressed to be one of the bride’s
maids, the Thing protests about the customary attire as a member of the
bridal party. While elsewhere Reed and Sue spend time together. As they
watch the preparations for the wedding, Reed asks her if she remembers
when Doctor Doom crashed their own wedding. Sue points out that it’s a faux pas to ask a woman if she remembers her wedding day.
Elsewhere still, Iron Man and Thor hold private council where
they discuss their own romantic troubles. Thor recounts how he was
unable to be with Jane Foster, how events still keep him apart from Sif,
his childhood love. Iron Man can relate to the situation, talking about
how he hasn’t been able to find anyone special since his secretary
Pepper Potts married his best friend.
As the Avengers and Fantastic Four
begin making their way to the ceremony, Johnny Storm heads to the event
morosely until he is stopped by Medusa, who is concerned about him.
When Johnny says he believes that Crystal never loved him, she affirms
that she did once before and reminds him to remember that people change.
When Johnny admits that the idea of Crystal and Pietro getting married
is breaking him up inside, Medusa offers to be there for him, and offer
that Johnny accepts.
Soon the wedding begins, and all are gathered as Black Bolt
officiates over the ceremony. Watching from afar via video link is the
Whizzer, whom everyone believes to be the father of Quicksilver and the
Scarlet Witch.
After the wedding is over, Crystal and Quicksilver are
teleported off to their honeymoon by Lockjaw. In the aftermath, Johnny
admits to Medusa that regardless of his personal feelings he cannot help
but smile on this happy occasion.
- Reed and Sue reminisce about how their wedding was crashed by Doctor Doom in Fantastic Four Annual #3 (in Italy in F4C #39).
- Some facts about the troubled love lives of Thor and Iron Man:
- Thor’s first mortal love in the modern era was Jane Foster, who was the nurse that worked for his alter ego, Donald Blake, starting in Journey into Mystery #84 (in Italy in THC #1). The two had a struggling romance between Journey into Mystery #84 — 125 (in Italy in THC from 1 to 25) and Thor #126 –136 (in Italy in THC from 25 to 35). Thor revealed his double identity to Jane in Journey into Mystery #124 (in Italy in THC #25). He got his father Odin’s permission to marry Jane, provided she could pass a trial into godhood in Thor #136 (in Italy in THC #35). When she failed, Odin sent her back to Earth with no memory of her past life with Thor, she ended up working with Doctor Keith Kincaid.
- Sif has been Thor’s friend and lover on and off for centuries over the various Ragnarök cycles that happen every 2160 years (as stated in Thor #294 / in Italy in SSPP #34) The earliest chronological point where Thor and Sif had a relationship was back in Thor: Son of Asgard #12 (in Italy in THP #231).
Their relationship, whatever the state it was in was put on a hiatus
when Odin banished Thor to Earth in the mortal guise of Donald Blake as
depicted in Thor #159 (in Italy in THC #58). Thor was reunited with Sif after Jane was banished from Asgard in Thor #136 (in Italy in THC #35). - Iron Man mentions his former romance with Virginia “Pepper” Potts, who was working for his alter ego Tony Stark at Stark Industries as early (chronologically) as Iron Man: The Iron Age #1 (in Italy in WIZ #39). The pair had an unsteady relationship between Tales of Suspense #45–90 (in Italy in DEVC from 29 to 78) made all the more complicated with the addition of Harold “Happy” Hogan in Tales of Suspense #45 (in Italy in DEVC #29), who also actively pursued Pepper. Ultimately, Stark pushed Pepper away, and Happy won her over, and the pair eloped in Tales of Suspense #91 (in Italy in DEVC #78-79)
- Although he doesn’t mention them here, Stark — to the date of this story — had the following relationships after Pepper:
- Janice Cord who Tony was involved with from Iron Man #2–22 (in Italy in DEVC from 87 to 112). This romance ended tragically when she died in a battle between Iron Man and his Russian foes Titanium Man and the Crimson Dynamo.
- Marianne Rodgers who went on a one-off date back in Tales of Suspense #40 (in Italy in DEVC #24) but didn’t start dating regularly until Iron Man #36 (in Italy in DEVC #72+123). This romance continued until her ESP powers drove her mad in Iron Man #53 (in Italy in URC #142) leading to Marianne being institutionalized.
- Johnny Storm mentions his previous romance with Crystal in this story. The pair dated between Fantastic Four #65–105 (in Italy in F4C from 62 to 103) until the outside world’s pollution forced her to return home to
Attilan. She ended up rescuing Quicksilver along the way and the two
fell in love as seen in Fantastic Four #131–132 (in Italy in F4C #129-130). - Some facts about the Whizzer’s appearance here:
- He is watching from afar after he was injured battling his son Nuklo in Giant-Size Avengers #1 (in Italy in THC #133-134). He eventually recovers from these injuries by his next appearance in Avengers #151 (in Italy in THC #198).
- This story states that the Whizzer is the father of Quicksilver and
the Scarlet Witch. There has been much confusion to the parentage of
these two heroes over the years and all are centered around how Pietro
and Wanda were left in the care of the High Evolutionary:- It was first suggested in Giant-Size Avengers #1 that they were the children of the Whizzer and his wife Miss America,
who died giving birth to the twins due to radiation in her body. This
was at the High Evolutionary’s Citadel of Science. The Whizzer fled off
into the night in grief abandoning his children. - This was refuted in Vision and the Scarlet Witch #4 (in Italy in PBPP#1) when the High Evolutionary’s creation Bova claimed that they were the children of the mutant terrorist Magneto and his late wife Magda.
Magda fled from her husband and it was claimed she gave birth to the
twins at the High Evolutionary’s citadel before fleeing into the
wilderness herself. - However, the real parents of these twins are Django and Marya Maximoff.
Who for the longest time believed they were the adoptive parents of
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch since their biological children died as
stated in Avengers #185 (in Italy in URC2S #13-15). Years later in Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 2) #4 (in Italy in INCR AVENG #27) it was stated that the High Evolutionary kidnapped those children for
the purposes of experimenting on them. Then once he was finished and
decided to cover up his work, he made it so they registered as mutants
and then left them in Django and Marya’s care as their “adopted”
- It was first suggested in Giant-Size Avengers #1 that they were the children of the Whizzer and his wife Miss America,
Publication Notes
- Artist Rich Buckler, who did his art during his run on Fantastic Four in the style of Jack Kirby, has several interior panels in this issue that are replicas of some of Kirby’s earlier work on Fantastic Four.
- Quicksilver’s costume is incorrectly colored green on the cover of this issue. He has worn a light grey colored costume since Avengers #75 (in Italy in THC #90).

“Invasion!” / INVASIONE !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Communists
Other Characters:
The Sub-Mariner is swimming to the surface of the ocean where he sees
a great fog has spread across the surface, and witnesses two ships
crashing into each other. Namor comes to their aid using his superior
strength to pull the ships back to shore. Meanwhile, an island that is
part of the lesser Antilles is attacked by Communist ships using the fog
of their own creation to cover themselves from counterattack. When the
Sub-Mariner gets the ships to safety he is given a telegram from the US
Coast Guard. Rushing to meet with the Coast Guard’s directors he learns
that Communist agents are using an artificial fog to cover their
attacks, and Namor agrees to help combat this problem.
He returns to Atlantis below the Antarctic and has Namora assist
him in gathering troops into constructing massive icebergs that they can
pilot across the ocean. They then track down the Communist battleships
and using high powered fans and the icebergs they create freezing wind
that ices over the ships, making their cannons useless.
Namor and the
Atlanteans then attack, causing some of the ships to sink, and keep
their foes occupied long enough for the US Navy to arrive, forcing the
Communists to abandon their plot and flee.
- This story is Job Number G-556 and should not be confused with another with the same title and published on issue #35 (with job number E-697)
- This is the last issue of Sub-Mariner Comics published by Atlas Comics. The character is not seen again until Fantastic Four #4 published May 1962 (in Italy in F4C #3). Namor’s next chronological appearances occur in Saga of the Sub-Mariner #6 (unpublished in Italy) and Sub-Mariner #1 (in Italy in F4C #57-58), which tell the tale of how Namor was struck with amnesia and disappeared until the modern age.