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prima serie Editoriale Corno


contiene inoltre : SKULL L’ UCCISORE e PRINCIPE NAMOR SUB MARINER + DOTTOR DESTINO (continuano gli spregevoli intrallazzi tra i 2 ignobili farabutti che però piacciono alla gente, fanno audience e sono un modello per i giovani , come Corona, Scilipoti e Renzo Bossi)


Fantastic Four Vol 1 160.jpg

In One World– And Out the Other!” / ARKON L’ ANNIENTATORE !

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Alicia Masters is on the scene where it appears her love the Thing is
battling the extra-dimensional being known as Arkon. However, when
Alicia gets in the middle of the battle, she is shocked to find that
this Thing has a higher vocabulary and does not seem to recognize her.
Realizing that Alicia is in danger, this other Thing charges at Arkon,
playing into the barbarian kings hand, allowing him to whisk them away
with one of his D-Bolts.

Hopping a cab, Alicia has it ride her to the Baxter Building (the
cabbie relating to how he once gave a lift to the Invisible Girl). As
the FF’s jet lands on the roof of the Baxter Building, Alicia rushes
upstairs to find that the Fantastic Four had just returned from their
trip to the Hidden Land of the Inhumans, and that Ben is among them,
safe and sound. Alicia’s story confuses the entire team, except for the
Thing who recalls a previous adventure where he was transferred to
another dimension where he met a Reed Richards who was turned into the
Thing. Ben rushes to the communications room and contacts Crystal and
Quicksilver at the Hidden Land and asks them if he can borrow Lockjaw.
They agree to send the Inhuman’s teleportor to him and Ben — using a
scrap of the other Thing’s shirt — asks Lockjaw to take him to the

Reed calls Sue and Johnny into a meeting where he introduces them
to Albert DeVoor, a man representing a large corporation. Reed explains
that their company Fantastic Four Inc. is in need of money and as 50%
stake holder in their incorporation he is selling an number of patents
over to the company Mr. DeVoor represents, a revelation that shocks the
two siblings.

Ben meanwhile appears in another reality with Lockjaw to find
that the Inhuman dog has come here to chase after it’s local wild life.
After a bit of a chase, Ben manages to convince Lockjaw to teleport them
to the right dimension. Seeing a castle straight ahead, Ben recognizes
it as the one that is owned by that realities Reed Richards. Entering he
is attacked by what appears to be an army of movie monsters, however
they are in reality only robots. As he fights off the first wave he
spots this realities version of Ben and Susan Grimm and goes to their
rescue. Saving their lives from a giant mechanical Frankenstein’s

With the threat over, the Thing meets with his counterpart in
this reality and explains who he is. He learns that the Grimms were here
to thank Reed once more for curing Ben of his stretching and flame
powers and that they have no idea that he was captured by Arkon. The
Thing learns that this world’s Reed had become reclusive after selling
out to a company called Inter-Related Technocracies Unlimited.

While back on Ben’s home world, Reed stifles any protests that
Johnny and Sue have due to the fact that it’s Reed’s inventions that
were keeping them in operation over the years. With the decision made,
Reed signs over control of Fantastic Four to Mr. DeVoor’s company,
Interlocking Technologies Unlimited.

Super-Villain Team-Up Vol 1 7.jpg

Who Is…the Shroud?” / CHI E’ L’ INCAPPUCCIATO ?

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




With the United States making a peace agreement with Latveria, the
Fantastic Four are ordered by Henry Kissinger to cease their illegal
trespass on Latverian soil and return to the United States, a request
they comply with begrudgingly. After Kissinger leaves Doom begins
plotting his bid to take over the world, leaving Namor to his own
devices. The Sub-Mariner detects the presence of the Shroud.

The Shroud reveals himself to Namor and explains to the enslaved
monarch his origins: As a small child the Shroud’s family was murdered
by a crook. By that point on, the young man who would become the Shroud
would vow to destroy all crime, and began a life time of studying
science, detective work as well as honing his body physically. Inspired
by the symbolism that super-heroes use to fight crime, the inspired man
woudl travel to Tibet and meet with the Cult of Kali, who worshiped the
god Kali, a bringer of justice. After training with the cult they
eventually gifted him with the mark of Kali, which involved placing a
hot iron on his face. Fleeing from the searing pain, the Shroud would
bury his face in the snow outside. He would find that the temple
vanished, and although the experience had blinded him, it endowed him
with great powers. The Shroud would then design his costume and use his
mastery of darkness to fight crime. The Shroud explains to Namor that he
intends to kill Dr. Doom, a plan that Namor dismisses as sheer madness.

Meanwhile, the Fantastic Four have returned to the States and
made a stop at the Hydrobase to tell Namor’s followers what has happened
to their leader. While back in Latveria, Dr. Doom goes out to terrorize
the people of his country. Stopping at a peasants house, he orders the
man to allow him to take the company of her daughter as it is Latverian
law that the ruler of the country may choose any woman for company. The
young girl is taken away, however before Doom can take her back to his
castle and have his way with her, the Shroud chooses to attack Doom.
Initially, Doom is able to fight off the Shrouds attack. However the
Shrouds skills, powers, and special crime fighting tools eventually get
the better of Dr. Doom, who is ultimately knocked off a cliff by the
very hounds he was taking out for a walk.

Presuming that Doom is dead, the Shroud goes to inform Namor of
the good news and the two leave Castle Doom to go and find someone who
can cure Namor for good. Unfortunately for them however, Dr. Doom
survived the attack, he revives aboard an Atlantian sub piloted by
Namorita and Tamara Kurtz who pronounce to Doom that he is their


Riders On the Sky” / PRIGIONIERI DEL CIELO  (1a parte)

science fiction
Skull; Viracocha [Capt. Victor Cochran] (dies in this story); Jaguar Priest; Sky-Riders (I); Sen. Turner; Freddy Lancer; Newkirk


Regarded as gods by the Inca’s, Skull and his friends hear the tale
of the god Viracocha AKA Captain Victor Cochran of the US Navy, who was
marooned in the Triangle in 1945 after being maimed in a plane crash. He
has managed to pinpoint their location in Earth’s history by charting
the still joined continents, but before he can explain any further the
Inca City is attacked by warriors from throughout time summoned by the
traitorous Jaguar Priest, Villac Umu.
Continued to next issue…

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