prima serie Editoriale Corno
Episodio principale : in questo numero è ancora di turno solamente LA
un altro orrido e pauroso accoppiamento editoriale che
affianca stavolta i suoi calcinacci incrostati e decrepiti ai canini cariati e corrosi dell’ infernale MORBIUS IL VAMPIRO VIVENTE
“The Return of the Living Eraser!” / IL RITORNO DEL CANCELLATORE
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Alicia Masters
- Petril (First appearance)
- Roween (First appearance)
- Supremacy
Other Characters:
When Morbius attacks Alicia in her apartment, Ben comes to her rescue
which leads to a fight in the streets. Their battle is interrupted by
the arrival of the Living Eraser who has come to once more attack the
Earth in hopes of winning over his people in Dimension Z following his
ousting of the Supremacy.
Thing and Morbius attack the Living Eraser, but finds themselves
transported to Dimension Z and learn of the Living Eraser’s plot to take
over Dimension Z. After another battle in Dimension Z, the Living
Eraser transports himself back to Earth. Agreeing to bring in the Living
Eraser, Thing and Morbius return to Earth and battle the Living Eraser
once more.
Overtaking the attacker, they manage to pull the the Living
Eraser’s transportation devices, allowing for the Supremacy to take the
Living Eraser into his custody. Having to be forced to stop from feeding
on the Living Eraser, a disgusted and tormented Morbius uses the
Eraser’s dimensional transportation device to “erase” himself to another
unknown dimension.
“The Infinity Effect” / FOLLIA A CASA DEL MAGUS
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Magus (Warlock) (Earth-616)
- Black Knights
- Peter
- General Egeus
Other Characters:
- Matriarch (UCT) (Earth-616)
- Thanos (Earth-616)
- In-Betweener (Earth-616) (Cameo)
- Kray-Tor (Earth-616) (Cameo/Flashback)
- Autolycus (Earth-616) (Cameo/Flashback)
- Homeworld
- Sacred Palace
Story picks up from Strange Tales # 181
Warlock refuses to believe that he will become as evil as the Magus
but the villain says every word Warlock utters at the same time. Gamora
states that she can’t interfere just now and that it might be time for
someone else to get involved, Pip thinks she refers to him but she is
actually communicating with her as of yet unnamed master. Magus can’t
detect Gamora and the voice of her master reveals, that this is a
defense the Magus’ own nature has given to them. Magus tells Warlock
what will happen next (as he remembers it), he will attack Warlock with
the Soul Gem and saturate Adam’s body with radiation to summon the
In-Betweener, three hours after the In-Betweener will appear he will
take Warlock to his realm where he will float four centuries, he then
will enter his protective cocoon and become the Magus once he leaves it
again, he will awake 5000 Years before the time of his meeting with the
In-Betweener. He also tells how he conquered Homeworld and created the
Universal Church of Truth.
The voice of Gamora’s master reveals, that the Magus can’t see her,
because she wasn’t there before and thus can’t remember her being there
staying ignorant of her presence. Twelve seconds before the Magus
summons the In-Betweener Gamora starts her attack but the Magus
discovers her just in time telling her, that she can tell her master,
whoever he is, that the Magus now knows that he is there and will deal
with him in due time. After making clear, that he can’t trust the
Matriarch anymore, he orders all the Black Knights to kill Warlock and
his comrades, though he doubts that they can defeat Warlock he thinks it
best to have Warlock occupied until the In-Betweener appears and 2500
Black Knights are just the means. Thanos is revealed as Gamora’s master
and he joins Warlock and the others to fight by their side (which is
unknown to the Magus).
- First Meeting of Thanos and Warlock
- First Time the In-Betweener is mentioned and seen (in Magus’ Flashback/Story), first real appearance is next Issue
- The General’s Name Egeus is revealed next Issue
“Panic In New York!” / PANICO A NEW YORK (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Falzon (First appearance)
- Quicksilver
Other Characters:
Fantastic Four (Only in flashback)
- Reed Richards (Only in flashback)
- Ben Grimm (Only in flashback)
- Sue Richards (Only in flashback)
- Johnny Storm (Only in flashback)
- Kree Space Ships
In an attempt to contact the Fantastic Four, the Royal Family journeys
to New York City to try to determine what is causing deadly quakes in
Attlan. In the interim, the Kree send their agent Shatterstar
to capture the Inhumans who were the Kree’s previous genetic
experiment. The dissident Falzon strongly objects to the Kree’s
decision to capture the Inhumans and travels to Earth is a space ship to
warn the Royal Family in New York.
Continued to next issue…