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prima serie Editoriale Corno


nell’episodio principale dei F4 (in cui c’è Medusa al posto di Susan in congedo maternità) lo scocciatore siderale Silver Surfer torna a rompere le balle con la scusa di Shalla Bal che lo snobba ed ignora plagiata da Destino, ma la verità che ormai hanno capito tutti è che la superba smorfiosetta di Zenn-La o ha sempre il mal di testa oppure è addormentata in catalessi e comunque all’ araldo delle stelle non gliela dà mai, neanche per soldi

contiene inoltre : PRINCIPE NAMOR SUB MARINER + DOTTOR DESTINO (ancora una volta accanitamente e atrocemente insieme in un insano e scongiurabile team-up anfibio-corazzato) e SKULL L’ UCCISORE (nella cui ambientazione in uno sballatissimo contesto spazio-temporale nel caos magnetico del triangolo delle bermude – che sarà reiteratamente scopiazzato negli anni successivi da serie televisive parassite come LOST – c’è pure un CAVALIERE NERO / BLACK NIGHT che nonostante le apparenze però non è quello vero della barzelletta di Proietti, bensì un miserabile robot)



condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto


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On a viewscreen in his castle, Dr. Doom observes the Silver Surfer battling Reed, Ben, Johnny, and Medusa. As the Surfer fights, Doom gloats that soon the entire world will serve him. 

But when it becomes apparent that the Surfer cannot bring himself to destroy the Fantastic Four, Doom starts to rage. He wants the Surfer to cause them pain, to match the pain that they have so long caused him. Then he walks by a chessboard with pieces carved into the images of the Surfer and the Fantastic Four. 

The Surfer is but a pawn, he muses as he picks up the Surfer-piece, as are all men in his hands. For years, he says, Richards and his companions have thwarted his plans, but never again after today. Although he stole the Surfer’s power once before, he has since learned that controlling that power is preferable to actually wielding it, and this is what he is doing now. Then Doom sees that the Surfer is explaining his attack to the Fantastic Four. Furious, Doom crushes the Silver Surfer figurine in his fist and shatters his viewscreen, not wanting to listen to any more of the Surfer’s “self-lamenting diatribes.” Doom then recalls how the Sub-Mariner rescued him after his fall from space, which gave him the idea of gaining control of the Surfer. After monitoring the Surfer for several weeks, Doom watched his attempt to escape from Earth, and then he guided the Surfer’s fall to Latveria. When the Surfer discovered that Latveria’s queen was none other than his beloved Shalla Sal, Doom had him in his power. Saying that he would restore Shalla’s memory, Doom forced the Surfer to swear that he would destroy the Fantastic Four. However, this the Surfer has so far failed to do. A few seconds later, the Surfer appears in the sky above Doom’s castle with a gleaming four-seated air-car in tow. Within the craft sit the Fantastic Four, placed into a hypnotic trance by the Surfer. He tells Doom that he could not destroy them, so he brought them to Latveria to leave their disposal to him. Doom examines the prisoners to see whether this might be a trap, but his sensors inform him that the Fantastic Four are helpless. Then he turns to the Surfer, astounded that he would not take four “paltry lives” to regain the woman he loves. 

The Surfer replies that he knows not whether to be ashamed or proud, but Doom interprets this as weakness and slaps the Surfer’s face with his glove. Power, roars Doom, is the image of a boot stamping endlessly upon the upturned face of a cringing humanity, or an armored hand across a quivering lip. Angered, the Surfer tells Doom that he is mistaking restraint for weakness, and he demonstrates his cosmic power by ripping the stones out from under Doom’s feet and by shattering a suit of armor. Doom, however, is not impressed, and he activates several energy sources within his armor that quickly restore the stones and rebuild the armor. Just like the Silver Surfer, says Doom, he can also be a builder and a restorer. Then Doom indicates Shalla Bal, saying that until he releases her willingly, the Surfer, and his cosmic power, belong to Doom. 

Then he orders the Surfer to release the Fantastic Four from their trance—all but Reed Richards. Acting under Doom’s orders, the Surfer levitates the teammates into a specially prepared room. The Human Torch is placed into a flameproof cage, the Thing is bound in an electro-rack that tightens whenever he moves, Medusa is bound with her hair in a transparent bubble, and Mr. Fantastic, comatose, is placed inside a transparent cylinder. Doom says he will enjoy watching their vain attempts to escape before finally putting them out of their misery. The Surfer wonders what Doom could have done to Shalla Bal to make her so insensitive to this cruelty, and he wonders what the world has done to Doom to make him such a tyrant. Doom replies that Richards is a “lionized incompetent.” while Doom’s genius goes ignored and he is forced to hide behind a mask. As Doom departs, Shalla Bal for some reason tightly rests her hand on the Surfer’s shoulder. Back in Doom’s dungeon, the Torch, the Thing, and Medusa awaken but find their escape thwarted by Doom’s devices. Johnny quickly learns,that everything in the room is fireproof and Medusa is unable to work her hair free to pick the electronic lock that holds her. Doom watches them through a porthole, and then he orders Daedalus, one of his servants, to escort the Silver Surfer to a special chair. Daedalus covers the Surfer with a pistol, but the Surfer remarks that the real reason for his compliance is the woman Shalla Bal. All Earth-made firearms are quite useless against him. As Shalla Bal stands next to the Surfer, Doom watches on his viewscreen as the Surfer’s frustration builds. 

Doom muses that he will put this emotion to far better use than the Surfer. Meanwhile, the Thing tells Johnny to set his prison-cage swinging toward him, and soon Johnny comes within Ben’s reach. Ben shatters the cage, which frees Johnny, but Ben’s movements make his own bonds tighter. Reed’s cylinder is fireproof, so Johnny picks up a bar from his broken cage and smashes the container. This brings Reed out of his trance, and after he clears his head, he stretches his arm and turns off the mechanism that is slowly strangling Ben. Finally, Medusa is freed. 

Reed comments that this was much too simple a trap, but Ben replies that it was Reed who allowed the Silver Surfer to put them into a trance, gambling that Doom’s ego would not let him simply do away with them. Now they are free to attack. As the four companions head toward Doom’s chambers, a door opens, and Doom, along with several robot guards, confronts them. Doom declares that the guards are his latest experiment in death-dealing humanoids. Ben’s pounding fists quickly bowl the guards over, and as Johnny and Reed enter the fray, Johnny remarks that the androids seem no different from Doom’s old ones. It does not matter, says Medusa, because the androids still outnumber them three to one. As the Thing bulldozes the creatures into a pile, he notes that if Doom were really serious about destroying them, he would have made the odds twenty to one. Doom remarks that this observation is correct. The androids were already marked for demolition, and he simply had them do it for him. Then Ben attacks Doom as his teammates finish off the androids. With one punch, Ben smashes the figure of Dr. Doom, revealing it to be a robot. The real Doom, watching on his viewscreen, declares that his robot attack gave him time to maneuver the unsuspecting Silver Surfer into the special chair, where his emotional energy is being siphoned away for analysis. This, he gloats, will allow him to duplicate the energy in a creature of his own creation by simply pressing a button. As Doom presses the button, he says that although the Surfer himself would not execute the Fantastic Four, soon another shall do it—with the Surfer’s own Power Cosmic.

If Vengeance Fails!” / SE VENDETTA FALLISCE !

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Dr. Dorcas has just killed Betty Dean, and Namor is furious. Namor battles with Dorcas, Tiger Shark and Attuma, however he is easily over powered by his three enemies. 

Dr. Doom watches this with cold calculation, and decides that if they would take over the world together, they must be above such petty things and breaks up the fight. When he tries to take Namor away, the Sub-Mariner refuses to go anywhere until he’s had his revenge on Dorcas. Attacking Doom, Namor is close enough for Doom to activate his teleportation device causing them both to be transported by to Latveria.

After such a hard battle the injured Namor passes out and Dr. Doom has his best medics revive the sea-monarch. 

Being taken to Dr. Doom, Namor finds that Doom has decided that the only way to get the Sub-Mariner to form an alliance with him would be to aid in getting revenge on Dorcas first. 

Although Doom has formulated a plan, the two come to heated words over the likely hood of success based on Namor’s assessment of Doom’s previous failures in battling the Fantastic Four.

While back at Hydrobase, the villains are beginning to search for Dr. Jennings, who they need to repair and service their Octo-Meks. 

However, before they can find the Jennings they are attacked by Dr. Doom and the Sub-Mariner. As Doom distracts Dorcas and the others with a flying ship, Namor frees the captured Hydro-Men, and then attacks Dorcas, Attuma and Tiger Shark alone as Dr. Doom fights off Attuma’s soldiers.

The fight ends when Doom detonates two missiles when Attuma’s forces had him pinned down, killing all save himself in the explosion. During the fight between Namor and his foes, the Sub-Mariner bests them all in combat, Dorcas is killed when an Octo-Mek falls and crushes him to death. 

Namor has Attuma and Tiger Shark taken into custody by the Hydro-Men to be imprisoned. After witnessing Doom coldly killing Attuma’s bumbling subordinate Saru-San, Namor questions Doom’s methods, Doom warns Namor that such attitude would have a negative effect on their alliance.

Swamp” / PALUDE  (1a parte)

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Other Characters:

  • Jaguar Priest (First appearance)
  • Corporal Freddy Lancer (Appears in flashback)



Having escaped the Time Tower, Scully and his friends including a wounded and delirious Corey have to negotiate the dangers of the swamp, and end up fighting a tribe of Inca’s. 

Meanwhile, the robotic Black Knight kills Slitherogue, not meaning that this action will destroy the Time Tower and himself with it since the Tower was tied to Slitherogue’s life processes.

Continued to next issue…

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