prima serie Editoriale Corno
Scarseggiando se non esauriti del tutto i compari decenti da affiancare a Ben Grimm alias LA COSA, alle geniali e vulcaniche menti degli artefici dei duetti in Marvel-Two-In-One non balza in capo niente di meglio che la brillante idea di abbinare alla Cosa nuova e moderna (quella antisismica ed ecocompatibile, asbestos free e senza olio di palma) con la vecchia versione old style dei primi tempi , per intenderci il modello rudere-catapecchia impregnato di raggi cosmici. Il pretesto è il solito assurdo paradosso spazio-temporale innescato dalla ennesima inverosimile macchina del tempo a brevetto e licenza esclusiva di Reed Richards l’uomo chewing-gum

“Remembrance of Things Past!” / LA COSA CONTRO LA COSA !
Featured Characters:
- Thing (Ben Grimm)
- Thing (Earth-7490) (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Mr. Fantastic
- Mr. Fantastic (Earth-7940) (First appearance)
- Earth-7940 (Reality)
When Reed Richards conducts another experiment on the Thing’s mutations over the years, he comes to the conclusion that Ben’s preferred state is that of the rockey hided thing. He shows Ben another serum he had hoped would change Ben back into human form, but deduces that it would have only worked on Ben back during the earlier days of his mutation where his “Thing” form was more reptilian in nature as opposed to a rock-like material.
Thinking that he’d be better off if he wasn’t the Thing, Ben takes the serum and uses Dr. Doom’s time machine to travel back in time to the early days of the Fantastic Four. There, before the Fantastic Four setup shop in the Baxter Building, Ben finds his earlier self.
The embittered past incarnation attacks the Ben, not believing that he is his counterpart from the future. After a lengthy battle between the two Things, Ben manages to knock out his past self. He administers the serum that Reed had created for him, and the past-Ben changes back into human form. When Ben himself doesn’t change to human form as well, he figures he just needs to return to the present.
Traveling through Dr. Doom’s time machine once more, Ben arrives back in the present where he finds that he still in his mutated form. When he tells Reed of his adventure, Reed explains to him that Ben’s past is immutable, and instead of changing his own history, Ben only succeeded in creating an alternate reality.
- According to the [Appendix to the Marvel Universe] the alternate reality that Ben created in this story has been designated as Earth-7940.
- This reality appears next (and for the final time to date) in Marvel Two-In-One #100 (unpublished in italy).

“The Last Tale Of the Brothers Grimm!” / IL SEGRETO DEI FRATELLI GRIMM !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Iron Man (Only in flashback)
Magnus is awoken by the mystically animated bodies of Priscilla Dolly‘s doll collection, and traces the mystical aura to a playhouse where Dolly and the Brothers Grimm have Spider-Womanand Jerry Hunt hostage. Dolly explains to Magnus that her husband Nathan Dolly was a doll collector who became the costumed villain Mr. Doll before being defeated by Iron Man. He then went on searching for dolls with similar powers. He came across the Brothers Grimm dolls, which he was told he could put his life force into. Upon doing so, Dolly soon found his body trapped within his dolls, and since then his wife Priscilla has been trying to find a way to give Nathan a new body.
She and the Brothers Grimm (revealed as her sons William and Jacob) demand that Magnus casts a spell to transport Nathan’s soul into Jerry’s body, threatening to kill Spider-Woman if he refuses. Magnus agrees, and Jessica and Jerry are knocked out with gas. After a strange dream about Jerry and herself resembling the story Little Red Riding Hood, Jessica awakens to find that a magical ceremony is underway to transport the soul of Nathan Dolly into the body of Jerry Hunt.
The Dolly brothers in one pentagram (with a Brother Grimm doll each) in one pentagram and Jerry in another, Jessica watches as Magnus casts his spell. Breaking free and subduing Madam Doll, Spider-Woman swings in and pulls Jerry free as Nathan’s soul is pulled out of the dolls. Traveling to the now empty pentagram, Nathan is mortified that there is no host body waiting for him, and is cast off into oblivion. With Jerry and Magnus safe, the trio depart, leaving Mrs. Dolly behind with her boys, who turned out to be dolls themselves controlled by Dolly’s influence. The maddened Dolly talks to her boys, asking them to please, please wake up
“Land of the Lost” / LA TERRA DELLE ANIME PERSE (2a parte)
Adapted from the screenplay by Brian Clemens.
Featured Characters:
- Sinbad the sailor
Supporting Characters:
- Haroun
- Rachid
- Abdul
- Margiana
- Great Vizier
- Koura (death)
- Centaur
Other Characters:
- Green men
- Statue of Caro / Karo goddess (brought to life)
- Lemuria
- Third amulet
2nd and final issue of this comic adaptation based closely on the same 1974 fantasy movie, a nice job of capturing the spirit of the film (which was a hit with the kids at Fairfield West Elementary and eventually reached cult-status, especially since it featured such geek-cult stars as John Phillip Law, Tom Baker, and Caroline Munro–not to mention the far-out stop-motion wizardry of the immortal Ray Harryhausen).
Continued from last issue…
Margiana tried to stop them but when they saw the tattoo of an eye on her hand, they took her captive to sacrfice to another of their gods, a centaur. The remaining Green Men restrained Sinbad, but he made the Vizier remove his mask, unveiling his horribly deformed face which shocked the Green Men and caused them to loosen their grip on the sailor. He followed Koura, who was using the amulets in a mystic Fountain of Destiny to regain youth and power and currently had Margiana captive, but Koura sent the centaur to attack him, only for the creature to be felled by Sinbad’s blade. While bathing in the fountain’s waters, Koura attempted to strke Sinbad but was himself slain. As he fell below the waters, the magic of the amulets brought fourth a crow to the water’s surface. Realizing that it belonged to one who would be king – and not wishing to be one himself – Sinbad placed it on the Vizier’s head, magically restoring his pre-scarred appearance. The next morning, Sinbad, Margiana and the crew set sail back to Marabia and after that, new adventures.