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IL SETTIMANALE DELL’ UOMO RAGNO corno N.15 iron man la cosa giant-man the thing






cronologia italiana dell’ arrampicamuri questa collana si inserisce tra
la prima (1 / 283) e la seconda serie Corno ( 1 / 58)


contiene inoltre : IRON MAN – LA COSA & GIANT MAN




a disposizione moltissimi numeri di tutte le altre serie Corno , Labor, Star, Play Press e Marvel, sono gradite le mancoliste.


Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 191.jpg

“Wanted for murder: Spider-Man / RICERCATO PER OMICIDIO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Spider-Man recalls how John Jameson vanished as he fell from the
tower of the Brooklyn Bridge the day before, and how J. Jonah Jameson
accused Spider-Man of killing his son. When he hears a speeding car in
the street below, he spins a web-net to trap it, but the web is too weak
to hold the vehicle. The car careens toward an old lady crossing the
street. When Spider-Man rescues her, however, she hits him with her
purse. She has read Jameson’s latest editorial and thinks Spider-Man is a
murderer. Spider-Man leaps away with her screams for the police ringing
in his ears. Then he chases the out-of-control car and stops it by
lifting its rear wheels off the pavement and anchoring himself against a
curb. When the driver sees his rescuer, he begs Spider-Man not to hurt
him. Then he quickly re-enters his car and speeds away. Spider-Man is
perplexed by this reaction from a man he has Just saved. Then he sees
the Daily Bugle headline. Enraged, he shreds the paper and heads for
Blake Tower’s office at city hall. When the doorbell buzzes at Spencer
Smythe’s laboratory and the criminal scientist admits Jameson and Marla
Madison, he cannot believe his good fortune. Jameson is the very person
Smythe desperately wants revenge against, and here he is with an offer
to pay an enormous sum of money for another Spider Slayer robot.
Coughing frequently and swallowing the pills that keep him alive, Smythe
agrees to build the machine. He tells Jameson to send Marla away before
the work begins. Spider-Man tells Blake Tower that he is sick of
Jameson’s editorials and wants to know what can be done about Jameson’s
accusation. When Tower asks whether the accusation is true, Spider-Man
replies that of course it is not. Then Tower recommends Spider-Man sue
Jameson for defamation of character. But, he continues, Spider-Man will
have to reveal his secret identity. Even Jameson has the right to face
his accuser. This, of course, is unacceptable to Spider-Man, and he
shatters Tower’s desk in frustration. Tower accepts Spider-Man’s apology
and then tells Spider-Man that he cannot offer legal advice. Handing
Spider-Man a letter addressed to him care of Tower’s office, he requests
that Spider-Man not use city hall as his mail box. Thanking Tower for
everything, Spider-Man departs. The next morning, Smythe unveils his
final Spider Slayer robot to Jameson. Resembling a large spider, the
machine is built from shatterproof materials and responds instantly to
Smythe’s mental commands. Evidently having all the strengths but none of
the weaknesses of Smythe’s earlier models, it is the finest Spider
Slayer Smythe has ever built. Talking fast and distracting Jameson,
Smythe manages to lock a handcuff-shaped device on Jameson’s wrist. As
soon as the lock snaps shut, Smythe exults that Jameson has but 24 hours
to live. He says that he hates Jameson for corrupting him with his mad
schemes against Spider-Man, which have condemned Smythe to die from
overexposure to radioactive material. Jameson pleads ignorance, but to
no avail. Smythe promises that Jameson and Spider-Man will die together
once Smythe lures the crimefighter there. Smythe says he will have his
revenge on his deathbed. Meanwhile, Peter mixes a fresh batch of web
fluid in his apartment’s makeshift chemistry lab. He has determined that
pollutants in the air weaken the fluid, and he must mix smaller batches
more frequently to keep the fluid from deteriorating. After briefly
testing his superhuman powers, he opens the letter he obtained from
Blake Tower. It is from Claredge Advertising, merchandisers of life-size
Spider-Man punching-bag toys, informing Spider-Man that even if he is
innocent of Jameson’s charge, he is far too controversial for them to
use on their toys. Furious at losing the contract because of Jameson’s
editorials, Peter kicks his couch across the room. Now there will be no
money to pay for Aunt May’s medical care, and he will have to continue
to teach part-time to make ends meet. Donning his Spider-Man costume,
Peter resolves to have a showdown with Jameson, and he leaps from his
window and heads for the Daily Bugle. Unfortunately, his web fluid is
not ready, and he has to leave without it. Thinking what a fool he has
been for risking his life on several occasions to save Jameson,
Spider-Man bounds across the rooftops. Suddenly his spider-sense
tingles, but before he can turn to defend himself, he is wrapped up in a
web of steel threads. Another Spider Slayer, thinks Spider-Man, as the
device begins to reel him in. Pulling on the cable, Spider-Man flips the
robot on its back, but its improved gyroscopes allow it to right itself
instantly. Spider-Man finds that it can climb walls as well as he can,
and when he tries to knock it off a roof, it twists around and takes him
with it. Spider-Man and the robot plummet several stories, but
fortunately he manages to maneuver the machine beneath him, so it takes
the brunt of the fall. The robot smashes and Spider-Man is knocked
unconscious. Then Smythe, coughing, carries Spider-Man to his van and
drives to his laboratory. When Spider-Man comes to, he finds himself in
the middle of the lab shackled back-to-back to Jameson. The dying
scientist informs him that the shackle is actually a powerful bomb set
to explode in 24 hours. Furthermore, he says, they cannot remove it
without blowing themselves up instantly. Tomorrow they will both be
dead, says Smythe, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Iron Man Vol 1 124.jpg

Pieces of Hate” / FRAMMENTI DI ODIO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Sergei Kotzinin (Death)
  • Philip
  • Pam Sayer




Bethany shoots Whiplash’s whip in mid-strike blocking his strike
against Iron Man giving him a chance to marshal his strength and defeat
the Melter and Blizzard. A fleeing whiplash is knocked out by Bethany
who then berates Iron Man for not doing his job and guarding Tony. Iron
Man slips away and returns as Tony to finish his date with Bethany. The
next day Tony returns to Stark International to prepare to welcome Serge
Kotznin at the UN. Tony also monitors SHIELD’s attempted buyout of his
company and tries to avoid some of his responsibilities by patrolling as
Iron Man. Later Iron Man arrives at the UN to represent Stark
International to Kotznin at the treaty signing. While Bethany is present
as Kotznin’s bodyguard. Just as Kotznin and Iron Man are posing for
photographers, Justin Hammer has Phillip Barnett activate their device
controlling Iron Man’s armor firing a repulsor ray through Kotznin
killing him in front of hundreds of witnesses.


Marvel Two-In-One 55.jpg

The Pegasus Project Part 3: Giants in the Earth” / GIGANTI DELLA TERRA (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Continued from last issue….

Unknown to Thundra ,
Titania’s employers have passed her a needle with a potent drug in it,
which Titania uses in the ring on Thundra in order to weaken her enough
to be defeated at her hands.

Meanwhile, back at Project Pegasus, Giant-Man and the Thing have
tracked down Nuklo who has been found by his keeper, Henri Sorel who has
managed to talk Nuklo down. Unaware of this, and having his hands
wrapped in metal to protect them from Nuklo’s radioactive body,
Giant-Man lashes out and beats the child-like creature into submission,
knocking it into an anti-gravity device that renders it helpless. With
the threat of Nuklo passed, Sorel berates the two heroes on beating the
boy senseless.

While in the room where Wundarr has been in a coma since his
exposure to the Cosmic Cube, the man-boy from another world dreams about
his past — being the last survivor of his home world, his encounters
with the Man-Thing and others and his eventual turn over to Project
Pegasus. When he awakens, a voice in his head tells him that the power
of the Cosmic Cube is his to harness and that when he wakes again he
will be able to channel it’s power.





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