Dai team-up coi compari più scalcinati ed improbabili si switcha improvvisamente ai sandwich con LA COSA, un nuovo panino marvel molto assortito e variegato nei gusti, certo la salsa di ragno è sempre molto appetitosa ma l’ hamburger di pietra è davvero un po’ coriaceo ed indigesto
“This City — Afire!” / LA CITTA’ IN FIAMME
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Ka-Zar (Only in flashback)
- Zabu (Only in flashback)
- dinosaur (Only in flashback)
- Volcanus’ men (Only in flashback)
- firemen
- Conklin
Arriving back to the present following an adventure through time (as seen in Marvel Team-Up #46, in last issue)
Spider-Man cannot clearly recall whatever he experienced in the future,
as Dr. Doom’s time machine disappears, Spider-Man decides to return
home to try and get his life back in order.
Meanwhile, in the Savage Land, the Thing continues to travel
through a cavern after parting company with Ka-Zar and Zabu. There he
runs into the cause of the seismic activity in the Savage Land:
Basilisk. The two battle each other. While in New York, Peter Parker
tries to get caught up on his homework when he gets a call from Mary
Jane, checking up to see if he’s safe, because of a volcano sprouting in
the middle of the harbor outside New York.
When Peter realizes that this is real, he changes to Spider-Man
to see what he can do. Arriving at the top of the volcano, he is
confronted by Basilisk who is carrying a defeated and unconscious Thing
over his head.
This story is continued in Marvel Team-Up #47….(in next issue)
The Basilisk was last seen in Marvel Team-Up #17 (in Italy in URC 146).
“None are so Blind…!” / NESSUNO E’ COSI’ CIECO…
Featured Characters:
Other Characters:
- Katrina
- Sergi
- Dr. Anton Palkov
- Siberia
- Area above and around the decimated Bitterfrost
- Trelka
In the rubble that once was Bitterfrost, the Hulk pulls himself
free, having survived the blast. His memories of his battle against the
Gremlin and Droog fleeting, he begins to wonder where he is and begins
making a trek back home. Of course, the Hulk has no idea where he is and
easily gets lost in the Russian wilderness. He stops when he hears
beautiful singing, drawn to the voice the Hulk comes across a little
girl named Katrina who is startled at the sound of his arrival at first,
but makes to be friendly toward him. The Hulk soon realizes that she
cannot see what he looks like because she is actually blind.
When some of the nearby villagers spot the Hulk, they initially
attack him until Katerina convinces them to stop. Sergi, Katerina’s
doctor invites the Hulk into their town and asks them to help him stop
the “dark ones”, creatures that come and raid their village in the
night. The Hulk agrees to go and learns that Sergi was attempting to
create a cure for Katerina’s blindness when the serum he was working on
was stolen by the raiders. The Hulk agrees to help them, and that night
spoits an army of the Mole Man’s Molids and attacks them. Sending them
fleeing the village. Following their foot prints the Hulk follows them
to a cave where he is ambushed by a greater number of Moloids.
Knocked out, the Hulk awakens sometime later to find himself
bound in a body harness. The Mole Man, standing before him gloats at how
he survived his seeming demise battling Spider-Man and Mr. Fantastic,
when his Moloids sacrificed themselves to create a living bridge for
him to escape a flow of lava. When the Mole Man reveals that he has
stolen Sergi’s sight restoring formula to use to cure his own lost
vision, the Hulk becomes furious that his friend Katrina is going to
have the gift of sight robber from her and breaks free from his
restrains. Easily over-powering the Mole Man, the Hulk takes the serum
and fights his way through the Moloids. The Hulk succeeds in escaping,
bringing the Mole Man’s head quarters crashing down around them.
He reaches the surface just as Sergi and a team of hunters have
reached the mouth of the cave to attack the Moloids themselves. They are
happy to find the Hulk alive and well and with the antidote. Taking him
back to the village they give it to Katrina, who’s sight is restored.
Insecure about how Katerina would see him, the Hulk is surprised when
she doesn’t see him as a monster, but as a kindly giant man. She hugs
him and calls him beautiful and tells him that he is loved.
When Sergi and Katerina invite the Hulk to stay and live in their
village, the Hulk, not believing Katerina’s kind words declines. As he
walks away from the village, the Hulk considers himself a monster and
bursts into tears.
- The Mole Man was last seen in Marvel Team-Up #17 (in Italy in URC 146). In this issue, he explains how he escaped his percieved demise.
“Watch Out For Bullseye He Never Misses!” / OCCHIO DI BUE ! (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Jake Conover
- United States Army (Only in flashback)
- Viet Cong soldiers (Only in flashback)
- circus performers
- circus spectators
- Vietnam (Only in flashback)
- New York City
- Storefront Legal Services
- Daily Bugle Building
- Madison Square Garden

hears Conover relate an origin for the murderer — the man called
Bullseye. While we never learn his name, we do find out that he was a
soldier in Vietnam, and a master of aiming and throwing.In
fact, Conover knows that the guy had a major league baseball contract
prior to his service. Conover continued to stress that “war changes
people”, and it changed this guy. Daredevil thanks him for the
information, and leaves. It’s only a short time later, however, when a
hand grenade is thrown right in front of DD’s momentum, and explodes!
Finding his wits, DD is able to launch his billy club’s line in order
to break his fall. Landing, he comes face-to-face with Bullseye, who
issues a challenge. DD lunges forward, only to be met with a face full
of garbage from some cans Bullseye kicks at him. Now with the upper
hand, Bullseye announces that he is going to leave, but at a pace where
he can be easily followed. DD is encouraged to take the bait. We get
one more scene change back to The Storefront, where of course Foggy and
Heather Glenn are fretting about Matt’s absence. Foggy tells Heather
that he wants information on Glenn Industries, when Heather tells him
that the company is owned by her father.
DD follows Bullseye to some sort of arena, where he is informed that
despite a large police presence, Bullseye has agents with machine guns
scattered throughout the crowd with orders to kill civilians. DD
basically stands by, bewildered, as his senses become overwhelmed by all
of the heartbeats, breathing, and other background noise. Figuring
he’d better strike preemptively, Daredevil moves on Bullseye, only to
be horse-collared by a heavy rope. AS DD is stopped cold, Bullseye
orders the house lights be brought up and Daredevil and the reader find
out that Bullseye is going to kill DD under the Big Top — they are at a
circus in Madison Square Garden!