in questo numero – tra l’ inerzia di tutte le istituzioni e alla faccia delle pari opportunità per i diversamenti dotati – doppio lavoro per il povero DEVIL senza i più elementari diritti sindacali visto che quando gli hanno messo davanti un contratto capestro lui non potendolo leggere ha firmato lo stesso, e adesso deve affiancare Spiderman nella storia principale contro il gelido intimidatore iconoclasta Blizzard ed il luminescente e sfavillante (ma per lui sempre fosco ed in penombra) Electro che minacciano e ricattano il glorioso Daily Bugle di J.J.Jameson, dopodichè è inoltre costretto pure a sobbarcarsi simultaneamente la fatica del suo episodietto solista dove brancola di nuovo tra le tenebre di Manhattan giocando un’ altra volta a mosca cieca con il nocivo ed infestante Coleottero e l’ esaltato e tracotante Gladiatore
contiene inoltre all’ interno : L’ INCREDIBILE HULK (stavolta protagonista di un episodio puramente FANTASY dove è molestato da una imitazione tarocca di Conan ancora più barbara e rozza dell’ originale)

Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
While on patrol, Daredevil detects the super-villain known as the Blizzard attacking a Daily Bugle delivery truck. Daredevil attempts to stop the crook, but the Blizzard manages to make his escape. Upon investigating the scene, Daredevil “reads” the headline on the paper, which is simply a plea from Commissioner Black to end the postal strike.
Meanwhile, at the Daily Bugle office, Peter Parker is going up in the elevator and has grown suspicious as to why J. Jonah Jameson had his secretary call him and tell him not to bother coming in. Upon reaching the Bugle’s main office, he finds that it is fulled with really shady characters who refuse to let him see Jameson and violently push him out of the way. Finding the whole situation fishy, Peter sneaks around to Jonah’s back door and peers through the upper window. As it turns out, the Blizzard and Electro have teamed up and captured J. Jonah Jameson and the Daily Globe’s editor Barney Bushkin in order to blackmail them into giving their companies’ payrolls to the two crooks. Electro is furious about the days headline having a hidden message reading “Help Blackmail”.
Just then, Daredevil smashes through the window and begins fighting the crooks. As some of the two villains’ thugs make a run for it out of the back door, they are knocked out by Peter, who has changed into Spider-Man. As Electro and Blizzard flee the scene, both heroes attempt to catch them, but only succeed in running into each other and allowing for them to get away. Working together Spider-Man and Daredevil rush after the crooks, leaving Jameson and Bushkin to their own devices. Jameson manages to talk Bushkin in helping him clobber the crooks.
Everyone ends up in the basement, where Spider-Man, Daredevil, Electro and Blizzard continue their fight. Jameson and Bushkin attempt to hit Electro from behind with chairs, but they bungle it and are sent running for safety. While Daredevil tackles the Blizzard, Spider-Man tangles with his old foe Electro. During the fight, Daredevil is knocked for a loop by Blizzard, and is saved when Spider-Man tricks Electro into firing an electric bolt at Blizzard just as he is using his freezing powers. In striking the ice, the electricity turns it into steam, which quickly envelopes the Blizzard and freezes into solid ice, incapacitating him. Electro is then easily knocked out by Daredevil and Spider-Man, who land a powerful blow that sends Electro rebounding off a printing press and slamming into a wall knocking him out, and ending the siege of the Daily Bugle. With the battle over, Spider-Man decides to leave the crooks with Daredevil to hand over to the authorities, not wanting to be around for Jameson to blame the whole episode on him.
- In this issue, Bllizzard mentions that his uniform and its cold technology circuitry has been permanently grafted to his body.
“The Sword and the Sorcerer!” / LA SPADA E IL MAGO !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Shamu-Shan
Hulk shrinks until he reaches the subatomic world of Terragonia. People think that Hulk was sent by the Gods to save them from Kronak, the usurper. The terragonians convince the green giant to confront the oppressor. The Hulk reaches the castle and is received by Warlock Dragonus. The villain wizard buries the Hulk under an avalanche of stones. Oddly, Hulk is knocked out and turns into Banner. Presented before Kronak, the tyrant decides to confront Bruce on a sword fight in his coliseum. During the battle, Bruce turns into the Hulk and Kronak is forced to call the Guardian of the Ruby using the Ruby of Shadows. The monster is extremely strong. But the Hulk’ strength increases and he is able to defeat the formidable menace. Finally, Hulk throws Kronak to the crowd who kill the tyrant. And Hulk starts shrinking again until he vanishes out from site.
“Death Times Two!” / LA MORTE VIENE DUE VOLTE ! (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Continued from last issue…
Around Grand Central Station of NYC, a heated match takes place. The Gladiator makes some serious wounds into Daredevil’s back, but also wounds his partner the Beetle in his rage. Eventually, the Man Without Fear wins the day.