“The Power to Purge!” / IL RITORNO DI MORBIUS
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Fantastic Four (Only in flashback)
- Thing (Ben Grimm) (Only in flashback)
- Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) (Only in flashback)
- Invisible Girl (Susan Storm) (Only in flashback)
- Martine Bancroft (Only in flashback)
- Jacob Bolt (Only in flashback)
- Jefferson Bolt (Only in flashback)
- Hans Jorgenson (Only in flashback)
- Bert Tacker (Only in flashback)
After a near fall when his web-fluid runs out, Spider-Man recalls the last time a situation like this happened. What follows is a reprinting of Spider-Man an the Human Torch’s battle against Morbius the living vampire from Marvel Team-Up #3 (in Italy in URC #119). Finishing his recollection, Spider-Man remembers that after that adventure, he turned Morbius over to Professor X of the X-Men, andhow Morbius later vanished when fighting the Thing. He then dismisses Morbius as a foe that will no longer be a worry of Spider-Man, totally unaware that in another realm some force is forcing Morbius to use the Living Eraser’s dimensional transportation devices to return to Earth.
- 14 pages are from Marvel Team-Up #3, the remaining 3 pages (issue pages 1,2 and 17) are new to this printing.
“Cry Mayhem — Cry Morbius!” / ARRIVA MORBIUS !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Having tracked down mobster Mr. Morgan, Spider-Man gives Morgan a warning to never send anyone after him again, and leaves before his thugs can shoot him. Switching to his street clothes, Peter finds that while initially a good idea, the vent that he stored his clothes to keep them dry happened to belong to a deli and as a result his clothes now reek of chopped liver.
Meanwhile, Flash Thompson returns to the restaurant where he previously seen Sha Shan, and sees her in a window, confirming that he really did see her. Elsewhere, compelled by some force possessing his body, Morbius returns to Earth, so that this being can experience the range of the vampires feelings. Learning of Morbius’ old foe Spider-Man, it compels him to go to the Daily Bugle building to try and figure out where Spider-Man is.
There, he finds Glory Grant and kidnaps her, witnessing it Peter changes into Spider-Man and goes after Morbius. During their fight, Spider-Man is clipped by a truck. While at the apartment shared by Anna Watson and Aunt May, Mary Jane arrives to help them with their Grey Panthers protest. Spider-Man, meanwhile is saved from being attacked by Morbius when Morbius tries to resist the Empathoid possessing him.
Deciding that he’d experience more emotions attacking Glory, the Empathoid sends the vampire after her. Spider-Man, after realizing his web-shooters have been damaged from the truck hitting him, goes after Morbius without webs. Spider-Man manages to save Glory from Morbius. When Morbius refuses to attack anymore, the Empathoid demands that Morbius attack, using it’s powers to the fullest to bring him pain.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Professor Kerwin
- New York City
- Storefront Legal Services
- East Side Medical Research Center
- 13 Wall Street
- The Owl’s Aircraft
Continued from last issue…
A crippled Owl helps break Man-Bull out of prison to be his body guard; Man-Bull is sent to capture a doctor who may be able to help the Owl regain the use of his legs but decides to keep the doctor to himself in his continuing quest to become human.