contiene inoltre : GIANT-MAN , DR.STRANGE
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- New York City
- Daily Bugle Building
- JFK Airport
- Peter and Harry’s Apartment
As an amnesiac Spider-Man continues to puzzle over his true identity,
and live on the streets, his Aunt May’s health gets worse and she
collapses. As the authorities and the military debate on how to deal
with Spider-Man in light of his assisting Dr. Octopus in the recent
past, J. Jonah Jameson is appalled that his own son is defending
Spider-Man. When news of the arrival of Ka-Zar and his saber-tooth tiger
Zabu in New York, Jameson hires Ka-Zar to track down the wall crawler.
Meanwhile, Harry Osborn searches Peter’s room for some clue that
could explain his disappearance and comes across a spider-tracer in
Peter’s closet. Soon news about Spider-Man’s possible involvement in the
disappearance of Peter Parker hit the press. When Spider-Man overhears
the story, he goes to the police station where he admits to George
Stacy, his daughter Gwen and John Jameson that he has amnesia and
doesn’t remember if he had anything to do with Parker’s disappearance.
With Ka-Zar tracking him, Spider-Man decides to visit the Daily
Bugle figuring that maybe some newspaper clippings would reveal to him
something that might bring back his memory. When confronting Jameson
with the fact that he’s amnesmatic, Jameson tries to trick Spider-Man
into taking off his mask.
Jameson is foiled when Ka-Zar and Zabu smash through the window
and a fight between the trio begins. The battle takes them across the
city, where eventually Spider-Man is knocked into a pond in Central Park
and is knocked unconcious. With Ka-Zar a victor, he pulls Spider-Man
out of the water, announcing that their battle is over, forever.
Featured Characters:
- Madame Macabre (Only Appearance)
- Gogo (Only Appearance)
- Kalya (Only Appearance)
Other Characters:
- Mandarin (Only in flashback)
- Tabby (Henry Pym’s cat)
While repairing a antenna on the roof of his penthouse lab, Giant-Man
is informed by the Wasp of newspaper reports about a woman by the name
of Madam Macabre who claims that she can also make objects shrink and
grow at will. Musing how useful Madam Macabre could be, Giant-Man
manages to spurn the Wasp’s jealousy.
Meanwhile, at Madam Macabre’s lab, her assistant Gogo has
finished building an elaborate toy tractor for his master to grow in
size. Revealing that she can only make the items that Gogo creates grow,
she begins to plot how to trick Giant-Man into revealing his size
changing secret. When her other assistant, Kalya arrives, Macabre begins
her plot which involves a miniature of a room.
A short time later, Macabre visits Giant-Man’s lab, and Giant-Man
sends the Wasp out of the room (who exits in a fit of jealousy.)
Macabre explains to Giant-Man that as a child her father was killed when
their rickshaw full of personal items fell on him. She was rescued and
taught by the Mandarin. She then displays her powers and asks Giant-Man
to help her rule the world, Giant-Man refuses and asks her to leave,
much to the joy of the Wasp.
Back at her lair, Madam Macabre plans the next phase of her plot
to learn the secret to Giant-Man’s size changing abilities. Later, the
Wasp receives an invitation to an art gallery. Busy with a project,
Giant-Man tells the Wasp to go ahead and he’ll catch up with her after.
When the Wasp arrives she notices that the gallery is empty and puts on
her costume. She is quickly knocked out by Kalya and Gogo and tied up.
Arriving a short time later, Giant-Man realizes that the place is
deserted as well and grows to giant-size. Upon doing so he spots the
Wasp in one of the windows and places her in the relative safety of a
nearby rooftop before spotting Kalya and Gogo attempting to steal some
of the gallery’s artifacts. Shrinking down in size, Giant-Man enters the
gallery only to be trapped in the room the crooks were in. This room
begins shrinking in size, and Madam Macabre takes Giant-Man captive.
Meanwhile the Wasp awakens and tries to free Giant-Man, but she
too is captured and placed in a bottle that is set to shrink. However,
since the cork that Madam Macabre used to seal the Wasp inside the
bottle wasn’t specially treated to shrink with the bottle it causes the
bottle to break when it gets too small, freeing the Wasp.
The Wasp resumes her attack on Madam Macabre until she realizes
that Madam Macabre’s size changing device was in the wig she wore on her
head. Removing the device and shattering the trap Giant-Man was stuck
in, the Wasp manages to free her partner. Giant-Man grows to giant-size
and quickly captures their foe. With Madam Macabre defeated, Giant-Man
and the Wasp return home to muse over Madam Macabre’s size changing
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Continued from last issue…
After some effort and many combats , Dr. Strange is told by his master how to
access a doorway to the realm of Eternity.
Traveling to a lone peak in the mountains, Dr. Strange mystically
accesses this doorway with his Eye of Agamotto, and travels through it.
Baron Mordo arrives on the location just seconds after the portal
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Eternity (First appearance)
- Hamir the Hermit

Traveling to Eternity’s realm, Dr. Strange comes face to face with
the living embodiment of Eternity. Strange asks the being to grant him
with the power to defeat Dormammu and save his master, however after
much consideration Eternity decrees that Strange needs no additional
power, as he has the means to defeat Dormammu on his own.
Traveling back to Earth’s dimension, Dr. Strange learns that
Baron Mordo had kidnapped the unconscious body of the Ancient One and
transported him to the Dark Dimension and is now being held hostage
along with Clea. Strange is then told to duel Mordo for their freedom.
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