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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.56 IL MAGO 1972 the hulk doctor dottor dr. strange


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La storia di Spiderman pubblicata in questo numero ( The reprehensible riddle of the Sorceror ) è un fill-in issue (episodio interlocutorio con funzioni di “riempitivo”, ovvero con una storia extra a parte e al di fuori della cronologia ufficiale) tratto da Marvel Super-Heroes  # 14 del 05/1968

contiene inoltre :  HULK , DR.STRANGE 


Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 1 14.jpg

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Spider-Man suffers from a mysterious illness. Clues lead him to New Orleans (during Mardi Gras, of course) where he defeats the mysterious
Sorcerer who is tormenting him with headache and has unleashed against him a contemptible kind of golem named Synthetic Man.

The Sorcerer’s origin is that
he had a natural aptitude for ESP but since seeking out the Ancient One
and Dr. Strange for training would take too long, he instead he took the
easy route and spent a lifetime traveling the world learning mystic
abilities from various cultures.

never learns why he’s been brought to this fight, and he doesn’t even
beat the golem. The Synthetic Man’s downfall comes when he attempts to send a taunting
package to Spider-Man through the mail and the post office workers,
assuming it’s a gag, return the package to sender. The mailman rings
his doorbell, the very sound of the doorbell causing a malfunction in
the Sorcerer’s equipment that feeds back into his brain, and apparently
kills him. 

With the Sorcerer out of order, there is no one and nothing to control the Synthetic Man, who walks into the Gulf of Mexico and sinks to the bottom.
  • The Spider-Man story in this issue was originally intended for Amazing Spider-Man when John Romita injured his wrist, and Ross Andru had to step in and create a fill-in issue. However, John recovered in time and was able to draw the previously planned story.

Incredible Hulk Vol 1 1.jpg

The Hulk” part 4 (end) and 5 / HULK  – parti 4 (conclusione) e 5

Featured Characters

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Soviet version of X-15


Continued from last issue…
The Gargoyle shoots the Hulk and Jones with drug-filled bullets,
making them like robots. They follow him to a truck, whose driver also
gets shot. Ross finds Betty, who was frightened by her encounter but
says, “In spite of everything, there was something … something sad
about him!! Almost as though he was seeking … help!” Ross says, “If it
takes an eternity, I’ll find that monster!”
The Gargoyle and his captives reach a sub on the coast and get
into a jet. As they streak towards the USSR, the sun rises on the Hulk,
who changes back into Banner. Upon landing, the Gargoyle is astounded to
find a man instead of a monster. He begins to cry because he wants to
be normal too. Banner treats him with radiation, which makes him look
normal but takes away his super intelligence. The man who was once the
Gargoyle realizes how the state has used him, so he puts Banner and
Jones on a jet for home and blows up his base along with himself.


  • In original US issue, the Hulk’s skin is colored grey, but will become the more familiar green hue in subsequent issues.
  • US first issue also establishes that Grey Hulk can only appear at night. This idea was abandoned in Incredible Hulk #3, but was revisited many years later when the Hulk once more turned grey.

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Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Returning home to his Sanctum Sanctorium in New York, Dr. Strange
detects the bomb placed in his home by the minions of Baron Mordo.
Rushing outside, Strange is able to get the explosive out before it can
explode. However, he is attacked by Mordo’s minions who bind him in
mystic trappings (hand covers and mask which prevent casting spells),
taking his cloak and Eye of Agamotto and immobilize him. They then set
up shop in Strange’s Sanctum. Although bound, Strange tries to contact
the Ancient One, however he happens to do so just as the Ancient One’s
astral form travels into the mystical realms to search for Clea.

Hoping to probe Strange’s mind, Demonicus instead gives Strange
an opening to escape, immobilizing Demonicus and freeing himself at
least of the incapacitation that kept his phyical and astral forms from
moving. However, he is unable to learn the reverse spell for his
physical bindings from the Demon because the Witch detects Strange’s
freedom and blocks Demonicus’ mind, and sends Mordo’s other followers
after him. Using his astral form to “see” and get the drop on his
opponents, Dr. Strange manages to escape from his Sanctum to begin
planning how to get out of his current predicament.

Strange Tales Vol 1 143.jpg

With None Beside Me!“/ NESSUNO DIETRO DI ME

Featured Characters:



Stowing his physical body in a water tower, Dr. Strange decides his
first step at defeating Mordo’s minions is by reclaiming his Cloak of
Levitation. Battling Kaecillius Strange uses his mental control over the
cloak to best his foe. Returning back to the water tower with the
unconscious Kaecillius, Strange finds his body missing and while he
puzzles over this Kaecillius revives and flies away with the cloak.

Returning back to the Sanctum, Strange learns that the witch had
captured his body while he was busy, and soon finds his astral form
captured as well. However, he is able to mentally influence the Eye of
Agamotto, and use it to defend and free himself. Using it’s powers to
force his will against the Witch, he commands her to free his physical
body from it’s bonds. Once this is done, Strange returns to his physical
body and uses his mystic powers to erase the mystical knowledge from
his foes minds. With his opponents defeated, Strange refocuses his
attention to saving Clea and battling Dormammu.

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