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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.84 SCHEMER IL RE DEL CRIMINE hulk dottor dr. strange


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A lamentarsi son sempre bravi e capaci tutti, e spesso è pure una efficace strategia preventiva per mettersi al riparo da noie e seccature future, ma se Spiderman fosse in Italia di sicuro si divertirebbe di meno, con i delinquenti nostrani del calibro di quelli di mafia, camorra, ndrangheta e banda della magliana, o in alternativa tipacci come Corona o Paolini quando ti va fatta bene, mentre invece in America ha per lo più a che fare con entità criminali insensate e ridicole come il ripugnante ciccione obeso Kingpin o peggio ancora questo abulico e spregevole Schemer il ladro totalmente fuori dagli schemi ma che finisce ogni volta inevitabilmente dentro (in galera) perchè è del tutto fesso e inadeguato

contiene inoltre :  HULK , DR.STRANGE  


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




A new criminal known as the Schemer has risen in the ranks of
organized crime and seeks to eliminate his primary competition for
control of the underworld: The Kingpin. When the Schemer’s men attack on
of the Kingpin’s trucks, Peter Parker is in the area and stops the
violence as Spider-Man (taking much needed pictures) before departing
when the police arrive. Meanwhile, at the home of the Kingpin, his wife
Vanessa shows him a newspaper article about how their son, Richard, had
gone missing in the Swiss Alps. The idea that their son committed
suicide because of his father’s connection to organized crime angers the

Meanwhile, Peter tries to sell his pictures to the Bugle, and is
met with minimal success selling them. With money as tight as it is, he
goes to see Aunt May’s doctor to insure him that he’s good for the bill,
all be it eventually. Dr. Bromwell alleviates some of the stress on
Peter when he tells him that Aunt May’s health insurance will cover most
of her medical costs.

As the Schemer gains a new ally in one of the Kingpin’s men who
has defected to the Schemer’s organization, Peter and his friends bid
farewell to Flash Thompson who is going back to fight in Vietnam. Later
as Peter and Gwen are strolling through the streets, Peter is about to
confide in Gwen that he’s really Spider-Man. At that moment, the
Schemer’s men attack another one of the Kingpin’s trucks. When it’s
jackknifed off the road, it pins Peter and Gwen under it. Gwen is
knocked out and Peter uses his spider-strength to get them out of
anymore harms way.

After tagging the Schemer’s getaway vehicle with a spider-tracer,
Peter accompanies Gwen to the hospital. When Gwen is in stable
condition, Peter goes into action as Spider-Man and uses his
spider-tracer to track down the Schemer’s lair. There Spider-Man fights
off the Schemer’s men, however when he gets to the Schemer himself, the
crook traps Spider-Man in a pressing device. Spider-Man manages to break
free, however the Schemer managed to escape.

With no leads to go on, Spider-Man changes back into Peter Parker
and goes back to Gwen in the hospital. Gwen has just come out of her
coma and is upset that Peter wasn’t there by her side. She asks her
father to escort Peter away. As they are leaving, George tries to
console Peter telling him that Gwen will be in a better mood the next
day. Before leaving, Peter almost lets slip to George that he’s really
Spider-Man, before catching himself and quickly departing. 

Less Than Monster, More than Man!” / MANO DI UN MOSTRO, PIU’ DI UN UOMO !  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • US Military Vehicles


Continued from last issue… 

As the military hounds the Hulk, trying to get him to lead them to
Betty, Boomerang attacks Gamma Base hoping to claim the missile. While
at the headquarters of the Secret Empire, Number One eliminates his
scheming subordinates who hoped to usurp control of the Empire from him.

General Ross and Rick Jones manage to track the Hulk back to
where he is keeping Betty. Reunited with his daughter, Ross is told the
truth: That the Hulk had saved her. However, the frustrated Hulk, tired
of being hounded, jumps away from the humans. This story is continued
next issue…


In Strange Tales #149 (in Italy in DEVC # 51), it is revealed that Number Nine of the Secret Empire was actually Gabriel Jones on an undercover mission. 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Boomerang (Appears on a Computer Screen, TV or Hologram Only)
  • Gorki  (First appearance)

Other Characters:




The Hulk, seeking companionship, returns to Gamma Base to find it
deserted. Deciding to seek company with his former comrades the
Avengers, the Hulk travels to New York City. There, the Hulk steals some
clothes to disguise himself, but he’s still spotted and chased by the

Getting away, the Hulk catches a news reel showing that the
Boomerang’s most recent attempt to capture the Delta missile was met
with failure. He also learns that General Ross and Glenn Talbot have
decided to move the Orion Missile to Cape Kennedy for more testing.

Meanwhile, Rick Jones learns that the Hulk is in New York and, in
order to get there, takes on a job for a man to drive a car to the
city. He is advised not to look in the trunk of the car. While back in
the Big Apple, the Hulk is once more spotted and chased by police. The
Hulk tries to escape into the subway and falls on the rail, damaging it.
Realizing that the inbound subway train would crash as a result of the
damage he caused, the Hulk uses his strength to stop the subway car, and
then makes his escape.


This story happens at the exact same time of Namor episode in this same issue, as a
result Sub-Mariner and Hulk briefly cross paths in each others stories. 
Pencils and inks of this issue are made by a collective work and credited as “almost the whole blamed bullpen”

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bethel Doan  (in flashback)
  • Hotel clerk




Dr. Strange is visited by a man named Ethan Stoddard who has come
seeking Dr. Strange’s help. He explains that his fiance Bethel Poan
studdied the occult, however while she continued her studies in her home
town of Starkesboro to study the Thanatosian Tomes.

Continued to next issue… 

Informazioni aggiuntive

Titolo Serie


Casa Editrice


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