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Le ferree, spietate ed infallibili leggi del mercato hanno da tempo stabilito che l’ intercambiabilità, l’ avvicendamento ed il turn-over delle figure professionali femminili nel mondo del lavoro sono cruciali ed indispensabili, sia nell’ agricoltura che nell’ industria ma soprattutto nel terziario ed in particolare nelle attività ludiche e ricreative, come ad esempio la ristorazione, il relax, lo svago, i bar, i pub, le discoteche, i locali lap-dance, i postriboli, i marciapiedi e anche nell’ universo marvel : in rispetto ed obbligo a questa inesorabile ed inaggirabile regola ecco pertanto la umathurmeggiante agentessa shield MIMO (Mockingbird) promossa a supereroina nuova di zecca, e per questo numero lasciata in prudente affiancamento all’ esperto e competente Spiderman, con la interessata e complice supervisione di Nick Fury che mira a tornare ad essere il suo pappone unico ed esclusivo dopo la parentesi di Ka-Zar

contiene inoltre : AVENGERS / I VENDICATORI – X-MEN



And No Birds Sing!” / MINACCIA PER LO S.H.I.E.L.D.

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:






Peter Parker arrives at Kennedy International Airport from Los
Angeles. The city was interesting, he muses, but far too crazy for his
blood. As he carries his suitcase out the door, he is too preoccupied to
pay attention to a shapely blonde woman passenger walking ahead of him.
Suddenly two men push by him, and his spider-sense tingles a warning.
He ducks behind a bush, where he leaves his clothes and suitcase, and
changes into his Spider-Man costume. Meanwhile, the two men follow the
woman into the parking lot and approach her from behind as she opens the
trunk of her car. One of them draws a gun, but before they can do
anything, she kicks them in the teeth, flips them through the air, and
leaves them unconscious on the asphalt. Then a third man gets out of her
car with his gun drawn. Before she can react, she is struck in the
chest by an exploding bullet. Fortunately, she is wearing a bulletproof
costume beneath her street clothes, so only her blouse is destroyed.
Then, before the man can get off a shot at her unprotected head,
Spider-Man snags the gun with webbing and knocks the man out. Instead of
explaining herself, the woman strips off the rest of her outer clothing
and flees. As Spider-Man continues to watch, one of the cars in the lot
rises into the air and opens fire at her. She ducks, realizing she
hasn’t the weaponry to stop the armored vehicle, and then Spider-Man
snags the back of the car with webbing and climbs onto its roof. He
quickly peels back the roof and hurls one of the two men inside to the
ground twenty feet below. Before the other man can say anything, the
woman throws a battle-stave that hits him in the head and rebounds back
to her hand. She attaches the stave to another and uses it to pole-vault
into the aerial car. After heaving the second man out, she introduces
herself as the Mockingbird and thanks Spider-Man for his help. As she
separates her two battle-staves and stows them on her forearms,
Spider-Man reminds her that the car is out of control. She can see that
Spider-Man does not know how to drive very well, so she tells him to
move over. Then Spider-Man asks whom they were fighting. “SHIELD
agents,” she replies.
Dismayed that he apparently helped her break the law, he asks her to
turn the car around, but instead she jumps out and lands on a
Manhattan-bound train. The car, with Spider-Man in it, flies toward the
ocean. He quickly spins a web-cushion and leaps out of the vehicle, but a
sudden change in the wind causes him to miss, and he hits a rocky cliff
at the ocean’s edge and loses consciousness. When he revives, he sees
two men watching him. One introduces himself as Delandan, director of
the Manhattan headquarters of SHIELD, and describes the figure next to
him as a Life Model Decoy of Nick Fury. Delandan says Spider-Man is in
trouble because he allowed a dangerous criminal to get away. Spider-Man
replies that he did not know he was battling SHIELD agents. Delandan
continues talking, but Spider-Man becomes distracted by the LMD and says
it is uncanny how much it resembles Fury. Speaking exactly like Fury,
the decoy tells Spider-Man that Delandan has a plan. As Delandan escorts
Spider-Man through the SHIELD headquarters, he tells him he has one
chance to get himself off the hook. SHIELD is setting a trap for
Mockingbird, and he must help them. Splder•Man asks tor information, and
Delandan shows Spider-Man the SHIELD file—#11572—on Mockingbird. Her
name is Bobbi Morse, says Delandan, and she was once a top SHIELD
scientist whose activities brought her into contact with enemy agents.
They probably convinced her to defect, he continues, and under the name
Huntress she destroyed one of SHIELD’s South American operations.
Afterward, she vanished, but nine months ago she appeared at SHIELD’s
Seattle base under her new name. She wrecked the place and looted the
data banks, and since then she has systematically attacked SHIELD posts
around the country. Only the Manhattan headquarters and the SHIELD
Heli-Carrier itself have not yet been hit. Now she is on her way to the
Manhattan headquarters to assassinate Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD
himself. The Life Model Decoy will lure Mockingbird into the trap, and
Spider-Man will make sure she does not escape. Two hours later, as
Spider-Man waits, Mockingbird, wearing an overcoat, walks down an East
Side Manhattan street toward the Citicorp Building. SHIELD agents with
walkie-talkies secretly follow her every move, but to her they are
almost too obvious. She realizes it would be virtual suicide to walk
into SHIELD headquarters now, but that is what she has to do. She
approaches the entrance to a closed subway station, triggers an
electronic signaller, and, when the secret entrance opens, walks in. The
corridors are empty, but when she throws her overcoat through a
doorway, it is riddled with gunfire. She quickly disables the three
agents inside. Suddenly Nick Fury appears behind her, and when she sees
him, he runs for reinforcements. She trips him with a battle-stave, but
when she approaches him, she sees that he is just a decoy. Then
Spider-Man enters, clinging to the ceiling, and she asks him what he is
doing there. She tried to kill him this morning, he replies. Had she
been trying to kill him, she says, he would not be alive now. She does
not know why he is interfering, but she will get to Fury even if she has
to go through him to do it. Using her battle-stave, she vaults up at
him, but he easily repels her attack and webs her feet to the floor. She
will not kill Fury, he says. Then she says that he has it all wrong.
She is trying to help Fury, not kill him, and she has been attacking
SHIELD posts to gather evidence. SHIELD is riddled with corruption, she
continues, and she has the proof on microfilm—names, places, dates. Fury
is the only person who can do anything about it. Then she tells him to
look in her right earring if he does not believe her. The film is
inside. Then Delanden bursts into the room. Now that he knows where the
evidence is, he shouts, he can destroy it—and both of them as well. He
is wearing a SHIELD battle suit and the Satan Claw, which make him a
match for Spider-Man in battle. A punch and a burst of gas from the claw
knock Spider-Man out. Delandan contemptuously hurls Spider-Man aside,
delighted that Mockingbird is still stuck to the floor with webbing.
Mockingbird hurls her battle-stave, but Delanden catches it with the
claw and incinerates it. Then he does the same to her earring. As he
raises the claw for the death blow, Spider-Man revives and pulls
Delandan off his feet with webbing. This causes the Satan Claw to
accidentally cut through the webbing holding Mockingbird, and then she
and Spider-Man circle the renegade SHIELD agent. Mockingbird attacks
first, on the other side of Delandan from the claw, and when he slaps
her, Spider-Man snags the claw and pulls it off. Mockingbird hits the
floor, stunned, but Spider-Man crushes the Satan Claw in his fist. Then
Delandan blasts him with a shock wave from his battle suit, and
Spider-Man joins Mockingbird at Delandan’s feet. One last detail remains
to make their executions perfectly legal, says Delandan, so he turns on
the intercom and announces that Spider-Man and Mockingbird have joined
forces and are at large in the complex. SHIELD agents should shoot to
kill, he says. Then he prepares to execute the two crime fighters. But a
sudden shot knocks his weapon from his hand, and the Nick Fury decoy
enters, its gun smoking. Delandan is mystified, because this was not in
its programming, but the decoy reveals that it is the real Nick Fury
after all. Then Spider-Man stands up and wraps Delandan in webbing. Fury
says that he had been watching Delandan for some time. When Delandan
ordered a Fury Life Model Decoy, Fury took its place. Then, when
Spider-Man recognized him, Fury let him in on the plan. The battle with
Spider-Man and Mockingbird is now on tape as evidence. It is unfortunate
that the microfilm was destroyed, continues Fury, but he can find out
whatever Mockingbird did, given time. Then, just as Mockingbird rises
and says that she duplicated the microfilm, several SHIELD agents enter
and open fire before Fury can countermand Delandan’s shoot-to-kill
order. Mockingbird falls to the ground, but she remains alive. The
agents apologize, saying that they had their orders, and Fury tells them
to take Delandan into custody. SHIELD has become something it was not
meant to be, says Fury as he leaves, but now, thanks to Mockingbird, he
may be able to clean it up once and for all.

X-Men Vol 1 117.jpg

Psi War!” / PSYCO-GUERRA   (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Continued from last issue…

Reeling from the attack, Xavier would track it to a cafe where he
would meet a fat telepath calling himself Amahl Farouk. Recognizing the
man as evil, Charles would engage him in psychic combat. As the two
would combat each other in the astral plane, Farouk would initially have
the advantage in battle until Xavier would focus his entire psychic
might in one final attack that would defeat Farkou, seekingly killing
him. Xavier would finish his recollection by telling Lilandra that after
that battle he became devoted to fighting evil mutants and shortly
thereafter was crippled by the alien named Lucifer (seen on X-Men #20 , published in Italy on CAP Corno n.22) .

Now with the X-Men seemingly dead, Xavier would not know what to
do next, and Lilandra would convince him to join her when she would
returns to the Shi’ar empire, Xavier decides to follow her. While at JFK
Airport, Jean Grey runs into her roommate Misty Knight, where the two
tell each other of their plans: Jean plans on taking a vacation, while
Misty and her colleague Colleen Wing are heading off to Japan on one of
their missions. With Misty’s flight leaving soon, Jean bids her farewell
completely unaware that Misty is heading to where the other X-Men —
who are very much alive — are also heading.


  • Misty Knight refers to Phoenix as an “erstwhile roommate” in
    this issue. This would mean that they are no longer roommates though
    their separation was never seen.

Avengers Vol 1 185.jpg

The Yesterday Quest!” / IN CERCA DEL PASSATO  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




The Avengers agree to pay for damages to the harbor incurred during
the battle vs Absorbing Man, and then return to the mansion. The
Avengers settle in to relax for a little bit.

Continued to next issue…


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