pizzica forte il senso di ragno di Peter Parker e probabilmente gli rode pure molto il culo, d’altronde non ha nemmeno tutti i torti : dopo quasi vent’anni di precariato al Daily Bugle continuano tutti a pigliarlo per i fondelli e a trattarlo ancora come l’ ultimo dei coglioni nerd
contiene inoltre : AVENGERS / I VENDICATORI – X-MEN
“A Method in His Madness!” / PETER PARKER IMPAZZISCE
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- J. Jonah Jameson (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Robbie Robertson
- Glory Grant
- Marla Madison
Other Characters:
- Daily Bugle Staff
- New York City
- Daily Bugle Building
- Jonas Harrow’s Lab
Jonas Harrow has been experimenting on the amnesiac J. Jonah Jameson
and learned that his new invention an experimental ray-generator that
causes those exposed to it to experience different emotions is a
complete success after months of beaming it on Jonah from across the
street of the Daily Bugle building. He has also been using it on Joe
Robertson since he took over as editor from the Bugle. When Harrow’s
monitoring device shows him that Robertson and Marla Madison are are
meeting to see if either have heard from Jonah, he uses the device to
make them begin a violent argument. When Peter Parker happens by the
Daily Bugle for a visit, he tries to intervene and he too is effected by
the device.
Fighting it’s effects, Peter finds that everyone in the Daily
Bugle has begun fighting each other, and maintains control enough to
pull the fire alarm making everyone instinctively flee the scene.
Locating the source of the sudden mood shift with his spider-sense,
Peter leaves the office, changes Spider-Man and crosses the street.
There it takes all his will power to fight off the fear beams being
casted from the device to reveal its hiding place in a water-tower and
destroy it.
Amused, Harrow reveals himself to Spider-Man and dares the
wall-crawler to come and attack him at his secret hideout. There,
Spider-Man is attacked by Harrow who has a new version of the device.
Spidey’s appearance prompts J. Jonah Jameson to regain his memory and
try to escape. While Spider-Man discovers the ray projectors multiple
breaker power source, he begins smashing them as Jameson tries to find
his own way to stop the device. When Spider-Man trashes the last
breaker, Jonah is simultaneously pulling a useless power chord, which
leaves Jameson to believe that he himself beat Harrow and now
Desperate to defeat Spider-Man, Harrow approaches the
wall-crawler with a loaded gun, but is easily knocked out by Spider-Man.
Harrow does manage to squeeze off a shot however, it goes wild, almost
hitting Jonah in the process. As usual the curmudgeonly editor believes
that Spider-Man made the bullet fly his way on purpose. Finding that
Jonah is alive and back to relative normality, Spider-Man leaves the
scene feeling oddly glad that his worst enemy is back to normal.
“‘Twas the Night Before Christmas…” / LA VIGILIA DI NATALE (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Phoenix
- Sunfire
- Havok
- Polaris
- Moira MacTaggert
- Multiple Man
- Misty Knight
- Colleen Wing
- Mariko Yashida
- Moses Magnum (Apparent Death)
- Proteus – (First appearance) (Appears in shadow only)
Other Characters:
- Angus MacWhirter – (Death)
- Kuril Islands, Japan
- Yashida Manor, Japan
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Muir Island, Scotland
- The “Flying Scotsman” express-train
Continued from last issue…
Banshee flies outside of the
base and pushes his sonic scream to the limit blocking Moses Magnum’s
weapon, destroying the base as the other X-Men flee.
As they wait for Misty Knight and Colleen Wing to rescue them by
plane, the X-Men realize that Banshee has tapped out his mutant powers
saving the entire country and may not be able to use his powers again.
Ten days of recovery later, Banshee is released from a hospital and
returns to the Yashida house and finds that the other X-Men have put up a
Christmas tree to celebrate both Christmas and Banshee’s release. While
the others celebrate, Wolverine wanders off to spend more time with
Lady Mariko, while Colossus deals with the loneliness of being away from
his family during the holidays.
While in Scotland, Jean Grey arrives by train and is welcome by
Alex, Lorna, Jamie Madrox and Moira MacTaggert. The group plan on
showing Jean around all the sights before returning to Muir Island to
celebrate the holidays. Unknown to them, the bitter boat owner Angus
MacWhirter has come to the island to get revenge against MacTaggert for
the damage done to one of his hovercrafts during the X-Men’s battle
against Magneto ( see X-Men #104, in italy on Cap Corno 127 / 128 ). However before he can do anything he is confronted by a strange being that takes possession of his body.
- Angus MacWhirter has, of course, just become host to Proteus, in our first hint that something isn’t right on Muir Island.
- This issue announces that the X-Men
comic book has been awarded the Eagle Award (a British comic book fan
award) two years in a row for both favorite dramatic comic book and
favorite team in 1978 and 1979. Terry Austin was also awarded the
favorite inker award.
“The Call of the Mountain Thing!” / IL RICHIAMO DELLA MONTAGNA (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
Six Avengers arrive in Transia, barely surviving their Quinjet’s
crash-landing. Five of them are instantly attacked by Modred, while the Beast, separated from the others in the
crash, discovers the armor and flying mechanical steed of a late Knight
of Wundagore.
Continued to next issue…

*The cover was once recreated by Greg Horn.
The Atomic Steed that the Beast finds in this issue is put into storage in Avengers Mansion and later used by the Avenger the Black Knight.