dopo 15 anni a suon di urrà e di cicliche ciclonate, la prima gloriosa testata italiana dedicata completamente all’ uomo d‘acciaio (per l’ occasione ribattezzato Nembo Kid) si caratterizza paradossalmente per l’ inconsistenza e la fragilità della carta talmente debole e sottile che si sbriciola e si frantuma a guardarla, in netta contrapposizione alla massiccia robustezza e alla solidità erculea del gagliardo supereroe, resistente ed indistruttibile come le scorie nucleari che a lui gli fanno il solletico, però in compenso deve stare molto attento alla kryptonite con cui noi invece ci facciamo tranquillamente i fanghi, gli infusi, l’ insalata, le tisane, le creme scioglipancia e anche il sugo per gli spaghetti
In questo numero 1 storia completa di SUPERBOY, 2 storie complete di SUPERMAN da solo e 1 insieme a JIMMY OLSEN
di Gallarate – ALBERTO SALVATI di Roma
per la cover di questo numero è stata
utilizzata quella originale tratta dall’ albo americano che pubblicava
la prima e la terza storia interna
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Lois Lane
- Superbaby
- Goliath
- Joe Trent
Other Characters:
- Tina Thumb
- Tom Thumb
- Super-Tot
- Metropolis
When a midget actor playing Superman
grows to normal size overnight, Superman summons a pre-teen Super-Tot
to take his place, while waiting for the growth spurt to reverse itself.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Beard Band
Jimmy Olsen is trying to get an exclusive story on a group called the
Beard Band, a group of beard enthusiasts that meet in secret, however
his fake beards fail to trick the members of the group and they bar him
admittance. Jimmy is approached by a man who offers him a beard tonic to
grow a real beard so that Jimmy can get into the exclusive club. This
tonic apparently works, and Jimmy is able to get into the meeting.
However, he learns it was all a trick orchestrated by the Beard Band,
who wants to make beards more publicly acceptable, and that they will
not give Jimmy the antidote unless he makes public appearances to boost
their cause.
When Jimmy goes to the Daily Planet to explain this to Perry
White, Perry refuses to believe it until he too takes the beard potion
and grows a beard of his own, Clark also drank the potion, immune to
it’s effects due to his Kryptonian physiology, he makes a fake beard so
as not to expose his secret identity. Jimmy’s attempts to make beards
more publicly acceptable backfire, and the angry Beard Band smashes the
antidote for Jimmy’s failure.
When they are about to drink a new version of the potion to
increase the length of their beards, Jimmy cuts off part of his and
tosses it into the chemical vat. This causes the chemical composition to
change, and by total fluke, creates the antidote. With the Beard Band
drinking the antidote, they are shocked to find their beards disappear.
After Superman dismantles their chemical process, Jimmy takes some for
himself and Perry as well.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Perry White
- Lois Lane
- Jimmy Olsen
- The Organizer
- Metropolis
Superman undertakes a mission in space, leaves his uniform behind, and
allows Perry White to use a power-endowing machine to create three
successive substitute Supermen.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jonathan Kent
- Martha Kent
Other Characters:
- Hiram Blaine
- Todd
- Smallville
In order to raise money for charity, Superboy agrees to perform 100
new super-feats for inclusion in an Encyclopedia of Strength.