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THOR E I VENDICATORI corno N.140 LA LEGIONE DEI NON-VIVI il figlio di satana


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Nella storia principale di questo numero, all’ insegna senza scampo della imperversante ed inesorabile retrospettiva horror,  a fronteggiare i malcapitati Vendicatori arriva direttamente dal cimitero la macabra e lugubre Legione dei Non – Vivi  ossia di mortacci capitanati dal rigor mortis del mostro di Frankenstein e con gli altri cadaverici e putrescenti membri che sono – anzi furono – Jim Hammond ossia quel catorcio della vecchia Torcia Umana di una volta, il defunto Fantasma dell’ Olandese Volante, il catatonico Mezzanotte/Midnight (più avanti pure Sun) , il trapassato Zemo vecchia maniera e il comatoso Uomo Mistero alias Wonder Man, e c’è pure Lo Spadaccino che è ancora semi-caldo, anzi quasi tiepido, in corso d’opera di reincarnazione vegetativa nella misteriosa ed immaginaria pianta Cotati.

contiene inoltre : il demoniaco
FIGLIO DI SATANA DAIMON HELLSTROM (che successivamente visto che tutti
glielo storpiavano e lo prendevano per il culo ha fatto richiesta all’
anagrafe infernale di modificare il suo cognome in HELLSTORM)



Avengers Vol 1 131.jpg

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




While the Avengers continue to aid Mantis in learning her true
origins in Viet Nam, in the realm known as Limbo, Immortus has rescued
Kang and Rama-Tut from outside of time. Offering to aid them, Immortus
is instead betrayed by Kang who imprisons both Immortus and Rama-Tut.

Kang then uses Immortus’ devices to gather his “Legion of the
Unliving”, super-beings from different points in history, plucked out of
time moments before their deaths and put under Kang’s control. Among
those selected are: The Frankenstein’s Monster, the original Human
Torch, Wonder Man, Baron Zemo, Midnight, and the Ghost.

Back on Earth, Mantis is startled by the appearance of a spectral
image of Swordsman, however before the Avengers can try and learn
what’s going on, they are all plucked out of the present and transported
to Limbo inside the fortress of Immortus to do battle against the
Legions of the Unliving.

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When Satan Walked the Earth” / QUANDO SATANA CAMMINA SULLA TERRA !

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:


Returning home after aiding the Ghost Rider in opposing his father,
Daimon arrives at his home at Fire Lake. Entering his home he finds that
demons have crossed the portal to Hell that is in the homes basement.
Fighting off the demons, Hellstrom decides that he must reflect on his
origins in order come up with a way of defeating his evil father once
and for all.

Pulling up his mothers old diary, reads over the events the led him to be a master of the occult:
His mother, Victoria Wingate was met by a man who turn out to be Satan,
he would seduce her and they would marry and she would birth him two
children: Daimon and Satana. However, when Victoria walked in on her
husband teaching Satana how to conduct a Satanic sacrifice, she would be
driven insane and her children split up and put in separate homes.
Victoria would protect herself with a mystical ankh bracelet.

On Daimon’s 21st birthday he would inherit his parents home on
Fire Lake, and would discover his mothers diary and learn the truth
about his origins. Daimon would travel to Hell through the doorway, and
after briefly exploring Hell, would confront his father and battle him
— rejecting his destiny to be the Anti-Christ. During the battle,
Daimon would seize control of his father’s Netheranium trident, and use
it to summon a hellish chariot to escape Hell, vowing to stop his father
one day.

Tales to Astonish Vol 1 11.jpg
I Wore the Mask of Drothor!” / HO INDOSSATO… LA MASCHERA DI DROTHOR !


An artist named Markas wants to create a mask so inspiring that it
will make his name his famous once more. He looks for inspiration in a
book about an ugly sorcerer named Drothor who cursed anyone that
referred to the features of his face. He completes the mask and deems it
his masterpiece and hatches a scheme to commit robbery while wearing
the mask since it is so lifelike no one will suspect that it is merely a
mask. He empties a safe, but police pursue him into his hideout, though
he is not worried as he can simply remove the mask and be safe. But the
curse has struck once again, for Markas finds to his horror that after
removing the mask, his own face come to appear exactly as Drothor’s.

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