contiene inoltre : GHOST RIDER e ERCOLE
“The Eye — And the Arrow!” / LA MINACCIA PIU’ TERRIBILE
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Balder
- Warriors Three
- Harris Hobbs
- Joe Burnett
- Red Norvell
- Odin (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Hoder (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Sif
- Frigga (Appears in flashback and main story)
Other Characters:
- Sleipnir (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Hugin (Only in flashback)
- Munin (Only in flashback)
- Mimir (Only in flashback)
- Hela (Only in flashback)
- Volla (Only in flashback)
- Njord (First appearance)
Loki is going on about Ragnarok, while Hobbs and crew begin filming.
Loki transforms into a rat and scurries away underneath a statue of
Odin. As Thor is lifting the statue, Odin returns. Odin tells them of
how Hugin and Munin came to him to tell him of the coming of Ragnarok.
Of how he went to Mimir and gave his eye for knowledge of how to
forestall it. He then tells of going to Hel to confront Volla, and upon
his return of coming across Hoder. Sif then returns with the goddesses
of Asgard, including Frigga. Odin, Thor, and Frigga go inside to
converse, while the rest decide to test Balder’s invulnerability. Hobbs
goes to warn Thor, while Loki gives Hoder an arrow tipped with
mistletoe. Thor arrives too late as the arrow pierces Balder’s heart.
- This is the issue where Odin loses his eye.
“A Doom Named Dr. Druid!” / IL DESTINO SI CHIAMA DR. DRUIDO !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Learning that Roxanne is having a romance with Roger Cross, Johnny
goes mad and vents his anger as Ghost Rider, catching the attention of
Dr. Druid.
Druid books an appointment with Charles Delazny, and uses his
hypnotic power to make him stay until Johnny arrives. When Johnny is
attacked by Druid he transforms into Ghost Rider and the two engage in a
fight across the Delazny studio. Ghost Rider has the upper hand until
Druid can use the amulet of Tiboro to force Johnny to change back to
human form.
Dr. Druid then easily beats Johnny in a fight, knocking him out,
however probing Johnny’s mind he learns that although Johnny’s powers
spawn from Satan, he is not an evil man and so he leaves. When Johnny
revives he leaves LA without telling anybody, upsetting Roxanne.
“The Games of Raging Gods” / I GIOCHI DEGLI DEI (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- California
- Marin County
We get a little up-to-date
session with our super-baddies. We are reminded how Typhon suffered
defeat at the hands of the Avengers back in Avengers
#’s 49-50. Typhon then relates how he was cast by Zeus into Hades,
where he encountered Cylla. She had come there of her own accord after
being shunned by Hercules. As they had now a common enemy, they
conspired to be free. Cylla worked a little magic, and Typhon was able
to ascend to Olympus to reclaim his battle axe from the Promethean
flame. Yet it was so hot when he grasped it that it became bonded to
his hand. Enraged, he lashed out, piercing the clouds that separate
Olympus and Earth, and sending the Promethean flame earthbound. Hence,
the fire Hercules happened by and extinguished. Cylla had told Typhon
that only the blood of his most-hated could free him from the axe
handle; you see where this is headed…
So it’s one big slugfest
from here on out. A tip of the hat to scribe Bill Mantlo, who writes
some great dialogue during the battle between Hercules and Typhon. But
it’s Cylla who proves to be the wild card in this fight, as she really
shows no loyalty to either of these men whom she’d as soon call lover as
enemy. And what of Herc’s mortal companion, Richard Fenster? As
the car he’d been driving had plummeted into the Pacific, Herc had
saved Fenster and left him on a cliff. Fenster decided he couldn’t stay
there, so he climbed up. Once back on the level of the battle, he
spied Cylla about to lash Hercules with a bolt of magic. Figuring
he couldn’t do much, but that anything was better than nothing, Fenster
picked up a large stick and KO’d the prophetess. The spells she’d
begun to work against Hercules ceased, and Herc uses the end of that
diversion to wallop Typhon a good one.
Tumbling into the ocean,
our immortal combatants sink momentarily. Suddenly Typhon bursts the
surface and slams hard against the craggy shore. Once Hercules
surfaces, the Titan asks only for quarter. Dismayed that not only has
he gotten his butt kicked again, but the axe is still attached to his
hand, Typhon is one sad puppy. Asked for mercy, Hercules concurs. But
then, a small cut on Typhon’s cheek begins to run blood down the Titan’s
face, a small drip alighting on his right hand. The axe is suddenly
loosed! Cylla awakes, and informs Typhon that he is free because he is
his own worst enemy — that was the curse! Suddenly Zeus appears and
ferries his son’s enemies away, back to Hades. So in the end, all’s
well that ends well.
I am pretty sure this is
what is called a “stock story” that could have been used anytime. It’s
too long to have been a back-up in an annual, and I believe by this time
the giant-size books were about out of steam. But with books like
Marvel Premiere around, it served the purpose of launching the re-focus
of this magazine, and it was a contemporary of the Champions,
where Herc was appearing monthly anyway. I would not think that this
was any kind of try-out for a solo series, as it’s just not that strong
of a story (don’t count me among those “who demanded it!”); the last
page also announced that Satana will star in the next issue. So this is
a decent little done-in-one. I’d say that Mantlo did a nice job, and
we got what we’d expect from the art team. Vinnie Colletta wasn’t the
best inker for George Tuska, but by this time Tuska needed a heavy inker
anyway. Vinnie was never “that guy”.