prima storica testata italiana finalmente tutta dedicata al pipistrello nababbo self-made-man nonchè giustiziere fai-da-te: il personaggio era già conosciutissimo ai lettori italiani fin dall’ immediato dopoguerra con nomi alternativi, bizzarri e terrificanti come Ala d’Acciaio o Fantasma, e negli ultimi tempi aveva svolazzato (inizialmente sotto le consuete mentite spoglie, stavolta di Pipistrello) nei periodici a fumetti Mondadori facendo da spalla a Superman/Nembo Kid negli Albi del Falco e relativi spin-off
La pubblicazione delle
storie di Batman da parte di Mondadori non segue rigorosamente l’ ordine
cronologico, ma è in ordine sparso, abbastanza frammentata e a random,
in una confusione caotica e poco giustificabile pur con l’ attenuante
che all’ epoca le storie non erano caratterizzate da una continuity
referenziale e vincolante ; in questo numero
troviamo :
Cover Art : Paolo e Piero Montecchi (AKA Paul & Peter Montague)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Eivol Ekdal (final appearance; dies)
- Yuri Melikov (dies)
- Igor
- Alexei
- various eastern communist crooks
Other Characters:
- Thea Albrecht
In East Berlin, freedom fighters that are working against the
Communist regime in that country have devised a series of specially made
furniture to help facilitate the smuggling of people out of the
country. However, the Communist government is not oblivious to these
goings on and when discarded trick furniture is found it is taken in to
be studied.
Miles away in Gotham City, communist agents burst in on Eivol
Ekdal, the well known trap maker and attempt to buy his services,
sending their greatest agent known as the Berlin Butcher. However, they
are not the only ones seeking Ekdal’s services, as a group of gangsters
burst who have come to buy on of Ekdal’s new traps that they can use
against the Batman. Not wanting the American police to drop in on them
the Communists allow Ekdal to finish his business with the mobsters
before being enlisted into their services.
Taking the leader of the mobsters into his lab, he offers him to
set off his new trap. When the mobster does, Ekdal reveals what it does:
By sealing a victim inside a unbreakable glass cage, and be bombarded
with extreme heat. Any potential rescuer could then open the cage by
cracking it’s safe-style combination dial, however this too is a trap
because as the cage is opened, it would trigger an explosion that would
surely kill both the trapped victim and their rescuer. The two hope to
use the device to trap Robin and trick Batman into saving the Boy Wonder
thereby destroying them both.
Meanwhile, at Wayne Manor, Alfred informs Dick that one of his
classmates had called, when he can’t recall his friends phone number,
Bruce teaches his young ward how to remember phone numbers in the future
by coming up with a mnemonic device from associating numbers on the
rotary phone with the letters that are next to them. When Dick remembers
his friends number is 328-3663, he realizes that it spells out the
phrase “EAT FOOD”.
Later while out on patrol, Batman and Robin detect an explosion
and go to investigate an importing company to find a bunch of crooks
trying to rob it. During the fight, Robin stumbles into Ekdal’s trap,
and is sealed inside the cage with heat radiation down on him. When
Batman attempts to open the safe by trying to work out the combination,
they realize that the numbers mnemonically spell out Eivol Ekdal and
realize that there is more than one trap to this device. Deducing that
the intense heat would effect the glue that is holding the cage
together, Robin manages to free himself by kicking the cage open.
Escaping from the death trap, the Caped Crusaders return to the
Batmobile where they get a call to see Commissioner Gordon.
Arriving at police headquarters, the Dynamic Duo are introduced
to Thea Albrecht, a communist freedom fighter who explains that she
attempted to apprehend the Berlin Butcher when she found him in the
city, however she failed when the Butcher tricked a beat cop into
thinking that she was robbing them at gun point and gets her arrested.
Batman assures her not to worry about the Communists that are in Gotham
City, as he will handle them as he is sure that in tracking down Ekdal,
he will be able to capture them as well.
While at the hide out of Ekdal, the Communists have returned just
as Evol has finished working on a new trick hand grenade. They have
come to learn who has been making the trick furniture in East Germany to
help people smuggle out of the country. They offer Ekdal $100,000 for
the information. When Evol reveals that the man behind the devices is
Adolph Brauner, the Communists then murder Evol and take back the money
and his new hand grenade invention. About to leave the hideout so that
they can return home and have Brauner executed, Batman and Robin arrive.
During the fight the Berlin Butcher attempts to use the trick hand
grenade, and realizes too late that it’s rigged to explode whenever
someone attempts to use it and is killed in the fight as well. As luck
would have it, the crooks who hired Evol arrive at the hideout as well
seeking to get their money back due to their deathtrap’s failure. This
leads to a quick fight against Batman and Robin who easily trounce the
After everyone is turned over to the police, Thea Albrecht thanks
Batman and Robin for their help. Later, back in their civilian guises,
Bruce and Dick read a newspaper report about how more people have been
smuggled out of East Germany, a feat that was made possible thanks to
their help.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Duke Kelsey and the Millionaire Mobster Club
- Gotham City
- Bat-Radar
- Bat-Mobile
While out on patrol, Batman and Robin come across a strange robbery: a
gang of crooks that are attempting to steal high quality ingredients
from the grocery store. After busting up the crooks, the two return home
and soon become worried as Alfred had left earlier that day and has yet
to return.
Alfred has been kidnapped by Duke Kelsey leader of the
Millionaire Mobster Club, who has kidnapped the fame butler because he
wants him to prepare a millionaires meal for his gang. Alfred agrees to
do the work, and gives Duke a list of ingredients he needs. Duke is
completely oblivious to the fact that Alfred has made choice selections
that will act as clues in order to tip Batman and Robin off to his fate
and location.
Realizing that the disappearance of Alfred and the strange theft
must have a connection, Batman and Robin take Alfred’s list of
ingredients and go back to the grocery store to figure out specifically
what the crooks had stolen in order to decipher Alfred’s clues.
Unfortunately they find that shop keeper had cleaned up since the
robbery, the only remaining evidence left is a pile of sawdust sweepings
of the mess left behind. With it however, Batman and Robin manage to
figure out the location of Alfred.
They arrive just as the Millionaire Mobster Club is about to sit
down for Alfred’s prepared meal. With the help of their faithful butler,
Batman and Robin manage to smash up Duke and his men and turn them over
to the authorities. Afterward, back in their civilian guises, Bruce and
Dick along with Aunt Harriet enjoy a nice meal prepared for them by
“The Origin of the Batman” / L’ UOMO CHE UCCISE I GENITORI DI BATMAN
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Commissioner Gordon
- Thomas Wayne (Dies in flashback)
- Martha Wayne (Dies in flashback)
- Joe Chill (Dies)
- “Feets” Borgam
- Monty Julep
- Gotham City
- Crime Alley (Flashback only)
- Wayne Manor
On their way back to Wayne Manor, Batman and Robin find a truck that
crashed over the side of a ridge. They find the driver killed on impact,
but as they move around the back of the truck a secret door opens, and a
man steps out. Surprised at Batman’s and Robin’s presence, he knocks
out Robin with his pistol and takes aim at Batman, but is shot by
officers just in time. The officers tell Batman that he was a criminal
trying to secretly cross state lines.
Upon investigating the trucking company, Batman finds that it was
recently purchased by Joe Chill, the man responsible for the death of
his parents. Batman remembers Chill shooting his father, his mother
dying of shock, and the promise he made at their grave to fight crime.
He decides to take the case, alone.
His first attempt to get at Chill is to pose as a driver looking
for work, but Chill refuses to hire him. Batman decides to set a trap
for Chill. He boards a gambling showboat and points it into state waters
so police can make legal arrests. The boat owner makes a quick getaway
as soon as police show up, and goes to Chill in order to get smuggled
out of the state.
As a precaution, Chill checks a secret camera in his office and
sees Batman has followed the boat owner. He shoots the boat owner for
letting Batman follow, and when Batman enters the room, lies about
shooting in self-defense. Without any evidence to the contrary, Batman
reveals his identity to Chill and promises him that he will always be
watching, waiting for Chill to make a mistake.
Terrified, Chill runs into a room with some of his men and
explains that Batman is after him for killing his father. Chill’s men
are angry that Chill “created” the Batman, and shoot him before he can
tell them Batman’s identity. Batman hurries into the room and dispatches
the men, and watches as Chill succumbs to the bullet wounds. The case
of Thomas Wayne’s murder is closed.