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GLI ETERNI corno N.9 LA CITTA' CHE MORI' DUE VOLTE kirby nova 2001 odyssey omega






collana Fantasy , EDITORIALE CORNO, 1978

Se qui da noi la definizione GLI ETERNI evoca irrimediabilmente entità immortali, inalienabili ed incombenti quali Giorgio Napolitano, Silvio Berlusconi, Maurizio Costanzo, Pierferdinando Casini, Corrado Augias e Pippo Baudo, in america invece è una serie supereroistica a fumetti classica ed intramontabile ( ETERNALS in lingua originale ) che deve il suo successo e la sua popolarità non a scandali, processi , rumours di collusioni con mafia e malavita, presunti crimini dal colletto bianco e bustarelle ma solamente e immensamente ai magnifici disegni dell’ indimenticabile re JACK KIRBY

Questa è la favolosa serie gigante Corno che ha fatto conoscere in Italia la superba saga SF-fantasy , e ne è rimasta l’ unica pubblicazione nostrana per decenni, fino al masterwork integrale uscito pochi anni fa e puff !  oggi già disperatamente ed inesorabilmente esaurito

Tra l’ altro la collana ospita anche altro materiale eccellente, ristampato poco o addirittura mai, un po’ per dimenticanza, un po’ per pigrizia, un po’ per ignoranza , un po’ per accidia, un po’ per impedimenti oggettivi : MACHINE-MAN , NOVA , 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY , OMEGA , GUARDIANS OF GALAXY , LUNAR alias MOON KNIGHT alias IL CAVALIERE DELLA LUNA, CYBERNUS / DEATHLOK the demolisher ,  3-D MAN, e c’è persino un episodio di X-Men di Claremont & Byrne sull’ ultimo numero, il 29.

in questo numero : ETERNI – NOVA – OMEGA (nella cui già assai travagliata quotidianità irrompe anche il brutale BLOCKBUSTER un energumeno che si era già fatto compatire in precedenza sulle pagine di Capitan America col nome di Man-Brute estrosamente tradotto in italiano come IL BRUTO . Questa sua seconda apparizione sarà per fortuna anche l’ultima, la prima risalente a Capitan America Corno 37 / Captain America #121 è ricordata con un breve flashback)

prosegue inoltre la pubblicazione della espansione seriale di 2001 ODISSEA NELLO SPAZIO ad opera di Jack Kirby che segue a ruota la graphic novel della Treasury Edition in formato gigante con il suo personalissimo adattamento a fumetti del film di Stanley Kubrick ispirato a sua volta al romanzo di Arthur C. Clarke (quella di questa collana resta a tutt’oggi l’unica edizione italiana mai prodotta , infatti la miniserie non è tuttora ristampabile per il drastico ed inflessibile veto della casa di produzione cinematografica MGM detentrice dei diritti che non ha mai gradito questa stupenda versione considerandola invece una interpretazione arbitraria ed incoerente, poco aderente e troppo divergente dai canoni concettuali fondamentali e dai cardini di senso assiomatici dell’ opera originale, se non addirittura lesiva nei confronti della leggendaria pellicola). A questo punto la digressione kirbyana rispetto a Clarke e Kubrick ha ormai assunto le dimensioni di un vero e proprio stravolgimento – fuorviante ed incoerente oltre che magnificamente sublime – ed in questo episodio viene introdotto il super-androide palindromo MACHINE MAN che diventerà in poco tempo il personaggio principale della saga fino ad usurparne pure il nome.

condizioni : buonissime, sottile strappo ricomposto di circa 12 cm nella parte sinistra sotto la testata di copertina, un po’ di usura in costola, l’ albo non è di busta

a disposizione moltissimi numeri delle altre serie Corno , Star e Marvel, sono gradite le mancoliste.


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Eson ravages Lemuria and leaves as mysteriously as he appeared. 

Zuras probes the Celestials’ mother ship and learns of their 50-year judgment plan. 

Thena abandons Kro and leaves Lemuria with Karkas and Reject. 

Fear in the Funhouse!” / PAURA NELLA CASA DEI GIOCHI

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With Megaman escaping with Caps as his prisoner again, Nova is forced to stay behind to put out the house fire that Megaman started and save his folks. In order to cover for his secret identity, Nova tells his family that “Richard” was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation by him, and Nova flies there and switches to his civilian identity before his parents can arrive.

Meanwhile, Megaman has taken Caps to an amusement park and decides that he is over blaming Caps for his condition, but has asked Caps to go to his former wife Clara and tell her what happened to him. Meanwhile at the Rider home, Richard’s father is suspended from his teaching job due to differences on discipline in the classroom, and as Nova, Richard saves a young boys cat from a roof.

While Caps has arrives at his aunt Clara’s house and finds that she has since remarried, when Caps tells her what happens she doesn’t believe him and gets very mad. 

However, when Megaman sees the spectacle he bursts in and attacks Clara’s new husband. 

Nova hearing of the attack over the police band comes to the rescue.

Tracking them back to Coney Island, Nova battles the Megaman until the Protector appears, unimpressed with how Megaman used his powers and banishes him back to his own time. 

Seeing Clara’s lack of compassion towards her former husband and his plight disappoint both Nova and Caps, decide to leave. 

The Capture of X-51!” / LA CATTURA DI X-51

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Dr. Broadhurst decides to terminate his robotics project as too many of the thinking machines are suffering an existential crisis and lashing out violently. 

X-1 through X-50 are destroyed by triggering the explosive device embedded within them but Abel Stack removes Aaron Stack’s device as he has grown to love Aaron as a son. 

X-51 has solved the secret of anti-gravity propulsion and takes his leave, unaware of the bomb’s detonation killing Abel. 

Aaron is soon taken captive by soldiers using sonic weaponry under the command of Col. Kragg who has lost an eye to these creature’s rampages. 

The monolith appears and releases X-51 from his bonds.

  • Although the 2001: A Space Odyssey series takes place outside standard Earth-616 continuity, Mister Machine, aka Machine Man will soon become a regularly appearing character in the mainstream Marvel Universe.
Omega the Unknown Vol 1 6

A Tug of the Wrench!” / UN COLPO DI CHIAVE INGLESE  (2a parte)

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Continued from last issue… 

Amber finds James-Michael in an arcade just before some other boys gang up on him for winning too much at pinball. She starts to rush him home through a dark alley, but they’re intercepted by a violent and unstable Wrench. 

Omega swoops in to protect them, but Wrench pulls out a gun and grazes Omega’s head, knocking him out. Amber tries to provide a diversion for James-Michael to escape, but the boy remains frozen in fear as Wrench kocks her out as well. 

Omega the Unknown (1976) 6 Page 17

In a moment of desperation, the omega symbols appear on James-Michael’s palms again and he shoots an energy blast that instantly incapacitates Wrench, leaving James-Michael the last body in the alley standing, bewildered at what transpired. 

Blockbuster!” / IL GIORNO DEL DEMOLITORE !  (1a parte)

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Other Characters:

  • Woody (Dian’s friend) 



Omega awakens in the alley where James-Michael is still sitting, dumbfounded. He’s about to explain their connection but the arrival of the police cut him off and the only word he speaks to James-Michael before disappearing is “secret”, indicating that whatever happened should remain between them.

Elsewhere, Blockbuster is enraged that since his release from prison, the courts ruled his son remain in a foster home. 

He decides to rob a bank with the intent of using the money to provide for his son, despite not even being allowed to know where his son lives.

Amber and James-Michael meet Dian on their way to visit John Nedley in the hospital when Blockbuster attacks. 

Continued to next issue…

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