prima serie Editoriale Corno
nell’ episodio principale con i F4 e la ormai abituale complicità colposa dei soliti inqualificabili INUMANI, al cornuto e mazziato Johnny Storm ed al rivale in amore QUICKSILVER tocca pure di sbattersi in sinergia per
il pelo della frivola e fedifraga Crystal prigioniera del solito bruto ammazzasette e scardinauteri, e di darsi da fare insieme per salvarle corpo e anima ma non certo il culo che quello ormai è irrimediabilmente compromesso perchè lo ha elargito gratis a destra e a manca
contiene inoltre : PRINCIPE NAMOR SUB MARINER e un episodio tratto da Marvel Team Up con la Torcia Umana a far baldoria insieme all’ incredibile HULK
“Omega! The Ultimate Enemy!” / OMEGA !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
While Johnny and Quicksilver try to stop Omega the Ultimate Alpha who
has Crystal as it’s prisoner, Reed, Ben and Medusa arrive in the Hidden
Land just as the Inhumans launch an offensive against Omega.
Freeing Crystal, they learn that what powers the creature is the
collective guilt of the Inhumans over the slavery they’ve imposed over
the Alpha Primitives. Coming to terms with this guilt causes Omega to
become intert and the Alpha’s to return to their homes.
After, Black Bolt decrees that the Alpha Primitives shall live
free among the Inhumans. After Medusa is asked to join the FF by Black
Bolt who has the Inhumans create her own FF costume, and Johnny’s is
also repaired and changed to match the colors of the uniform once worn
by his name sake, the original Human Torch. Realizing that Crystal truly
loves Pietro, the two reconcile their feelings and decide to become
friends, although Johnny hides how heart broken he is.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Blastaar
- Paxton Pentecost (First appearance)
- Ferguson Blaine (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- FAUST (First appearance)
- Mr. Fantastic (Only in flashback)
- Thing (Only in flashback)
- Cyclops (Only in flashback)
- Angel (Only in flashback)
- Catskills, New York
- Palisades, New Jersey
- Atlantic Ocean
- Sky-Cycle
After saving some truckers from an exploding truck, the Human Torch
and Wyatt Wingfoot begin a camping trip, unaware that in the
laboratories of Paxton Pentecost is working diligently on an experiment
which revives Blastarr with Gamma Radiation following his last defeat at
the hands of the X-Men. Blastarr agrees to help Pentecost destroy his
invention called FAUST, a request Blastarr agrees to comply.
As Blastarr rampages through the factory, his bursts of Gamma
rays bring the attention of the Hulk, who bounds in to see what’s
causing a strange buzzing in his head. Things are complicated further
when the Torch and Wyatt arrive as well, leading to a three to one
battle against Blastarr. As the battle rages on, Pentecost tries to
assassinate Ferguson Blaine, but realizes the errors of his ways.
Realizing that Blastarr is a menace, Pentecost instructs the Hulk
to wrap up Blastarr in Adamantium, rending him defeated. When Ferguson
thanks the Torch for his assistance, he tells him to thank Pentecost,
who is now going to jail due to Blaine’s greed driving him to the point
to commit crime.
- This is the first issue of Marvel Team-Up to have the Human Torch as its star. He will have recurring roles in upcoming issues: #23, #26, #29, #32, and ending with Marvel Team-Up #35. This title normally stars a certian wall-crawling hero.
“On the Brink of Madness!” / SULL’ ORLO DELLA FOLLIA! (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Dr. Croft
- Namorita
- Tamara
- Fantastic Four (in a flashback)
- Triton (in a flashback)
Namor returns to his underworld realm to find it devastated in the
wake of the nerve gas contamination. Fortunately, his subjects are just
in a comatose state and amphibian scientists are eager to help them.
Continued to next issue…