prima serie Editoriale Corno
Con la capricciosa e mutevole Crystal ormai messasi in aspettativa, e che oltretutto pure se la tira e ha di fatto scaricato il piccolo fiammiferino preferendo sollazzarsi con Medusa, si torna allora finalmente al quartetto classico in stile Ricchi e Poveri, con cose e torce a fare il lavoro sporco e pesante da vassalli e sguatteri della favorita coppietta di fighetti, con la donna che oltre a non saper guidare è sempre un peso morto per il resto del gruppo, anche quando è invisibile, ma bisogna lo stesso sopportarla malgrado tutto perchè ha un solo ed unico potere, inutile ai fini delle dinamiche collettive, ma fondamentale nel ménage di coppia col capo Mr. Fantastic, ovvero quello di farglielo sempre allungare
Contiene inoltre : PRINCIPE NAMOR THE SUB-MARINER (che per la prima volta deve fare i conti con la svergognata e svalutatissima LLYRA)
“Tomorrow — World War Three!” / AL LIMITE DELLA SICUREZZA !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Monocle (Michel Berman) (First appearance)
Other Characters:
UN delegates
- Nutrak Ray
- Fantasti-Car MK II (Destroyed)
A spy named the Monocle, has been hired by benefactors who seek to
benefit from the outbreak of World War III, by plotting an assassination
at the UN Summit in New York, He first targets the summits defenders:
The Fantastic Four.
The Monocle successfully distracts Sue and Reed by knocking the
Fantasticar our of the sky with his Neutrak Ray blaster. He then uses it
to knock over a building to distract the Thing. Meanwhile, Medusa has
asked Crystal to return with her to the Hidden Land as the Inhuman royal
family needs her. When Johnny tries to prevent Crystal from leaving,
Medusa forcibly takes Crystal with her, and leaves Johnny upset.
Reed convinces Johnny that saving the world is more important
than pouting, and sends him to help with protecting the delegation.
Johnny is also targeted from afar by the Monocle. As soon as he prevents
a water tower from falling on the people below, a billboard begins to
Setting up at the summit posing as a member of the Foreign Press
Agency, the Monocle is surprised when his Neutrak gun, cleverly
disguised as a camera, explodes. The shocked Monocle is told by Reed
that he’d discovered Neutrak rays sometime ago and after the attacks
built a Neutrak feedback device. Fleeing with his air-jet rods, the
Monocle is captured when the Human Torch melts the devices and the Thing
catches him when he falls to the ground.
“Call Her Llyra — Call Her Legend!” / CHIAMATELA LLYRA – CHIAMATELA LEGGENDA !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Karthon
- Ikthon
- Rhonda Morris (First appearance)
- Llyra (First appearance)
Other Characters:
Seeking an undersea ally, Namor makes his way to the undersea realm
of Lemuria. Namor meets Llyra, the empress of Lemuria, who has
overthrown Karthon. She tells him of her origin in hopes of persuading
him to join her conquest of the sea. Namor wants nothing to do with it
and is caught off guard and captured. Namor meets Llyra’s sister,
Laurie, who frees him. Namor battles with the sea creatures Llyra can
control and their battle ends in her death. However, Llyra changes back
to Laurie and he realized that they both shared one body. Namor meets
her mother and learns that it was her that had actually freed him.
“Filbert’s Frightful Future” / LO STRANO FUTURO DI FILBERT !
A greedy scientist builds a time machine to
visit the future and make money, but he finds himself stranded in a
void, since the future does not yet exist.