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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.266 RIAPPARE ROCKET ! 1980 racer devil the hulk


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l’ infimo e deprimente ROCKET RACER supereroe dalla pelle molto scura e dalle idee altrettanto poco chiare su da che parte stare (in questa prima fase della sua mediocre e poco illustre carriera è ancora piuttosto indeciso se essere un eroe o un villano) che ci aveva già abbastanza sfiniti nel n.243 di questa collana torna a tormentare il povero Uomo Ragno con i suoi complessi di razza e le sue paranoie del razzo
contiene inoltre :  HULK e DEVIL


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Rocket Board



The Rocket Racer is back in action, and Spider-Man happens to catch
him stealing plans from a building. Although he puts the Rocket Racer on
a chase, he ultimately loses the novice crook in the subway system.


The Racer turns over the stolen papers — which could indict his
employer Jackson Weele of embezzlement. When the key document is
missing, the Rocket Racer reveals that he has his hidden and intends to
use it to blackmail Weele into doing his bidding.

Meanwhile, Peter Parker makes time to go visit his Aunt May in
the hospital and finds Mary Jane there, who scolds him for not being
around for her again. He later takes Mary Jane out on a date, briefly
pausing when his spider-sense goes off in the hospital waiting room
(unaware that the Rocket Racer, in his civilian guise is there.)

Later, Jackson Weele decides to commit suicide and is about to
walk off a pier when he’s stopped by the Racer who once more demands
money. When the Racer leaves, Weele decides that he’s going to put his
money to use to crush the Rocket Racer. The Racer’s night time
activities attract the police, and Spider-Man who both try to stop him.
However, they fail to do so and the Rocket Racer manages to escape once

Showing up at Mary Jane’s for a visit, when she answers the door
Peter pulls out a cracker jack box. When she looks inside, she finds a
engagement ring, and Peter proposes to her, MJ is shocked by this. 


Incredible Hulk Vol 1 222
Feeding Billy” / BILLY HA FAME!

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Donny
  • Marie


Other Characters:



The Hulk has ended up in a conflict with the military in the
mountains of New York. As he trounces the soldiers there he is unaware
that there are two children watching the scene unfold. When conventional
firearms don’t work against the Hulk, the commanding officer orders a
gas attack. Furious over this new attack, the Hulk attempts to leap out
of the gas, but he has already inhaled enough for it to take effect and
the Hulk ends up crashing nearby. The children get to the Hulk first and
figure that the green-skinned brute will be just perfect for their
brother Billy. No sooner is Billy mentioned that he appears to help the
children. When the soldiers arrive on the scene the Hulk is long gone.
Searching the area they are disturbed to see that something has dragged
the Hulk away, something inhuman.

In a cave somewhere not far away, Bruce Banner awakens to find
the two children watching over him. They introduce themselves as Donny
and Marie and that they live in the cave with their brother Billy. When
Banner asks who Billy is, he spies some strange humanoid creature in the
shadows but it disappears soon. Bruce is even more alarmed when he sees
a massive cauldron with human bones scattered about it. Realizing that
Billy eats people, he demands to know where the children and Billy came

Donny and Marie explain how they used to live in a nice family
home with their parents. Things were fine until the day their baby
brother Billy drank some strange chemical that was dumped in the park.
The infant was immediately taken away and the military sent a hazmat
team to clean up the waste. The military explained to Billy’s father
that the toxic chemicals affected the boy. They were horrified by what
returned home to them. Soon, animals around the area were found
mutilated and the parents soon discovered that Billy was responsible.
When they were pressed over what to do, Billy solved that problem by
killing them. The next day, Billy convinced Donny and Marie that they
should leave, which led them to the cave that they live in now.

Realizing the danger that he is in, Banner tries to find a way
out when he is suddenly cornered by Billy. His pulse racing, Banner
transforms into the Hulk and clashes with Billy, who is an even more
massive creature than the Hulk. Regardless of this, Hulk manages to hold
his own until part of the cave collapses on both creatures. However,
only the Hulk emerges from the rubble alive. The Hulk then leaves the
two children behind to figure out what they should do next. 

Daredevil Vol 1 154
Arena!“(1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




DD must face down his most dangerous foes to save Heather Glenn from certain death.

Cobra and Mr.Hyde bring him back to Rykers,
where it turns out they are working for the Purple Man, who has taken
over Rykers and possessed Cobra and Hyde along with the Jester and the

or maybe because the villains have trouble working together, especially
while mind controlled, Daredevil manages to hold his own until Paladin

Continued to next issue…

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Titolo Serie


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